Everyone Loves Quick Answers!
What are Evaluations?
Evaluations are held to determine the level your child is best suited for. Players are evaluated in groups by age.
Does my child need to attend the Evaluations?
Majors players that are returning to a major’s team from the previous spring do not need to attend Evaluations, unless they have been placed back into the draft by proper league protocol. All Minors players NEED to attend, including Coach Pitch. TBall players do not need to get evaluated, but should show up that day to get fitted for their uniform and place spirit wear orders
What kind of fundraisers will I be asked to participate in?
Every spring season, the league holds a raffle on Opening Day. Player families are asked to sell a minimum of $20 worth of tickets. Additionally, we hold an annual Hit-A-Thon as well as restaurant nights at Starvin Marvin's.
Why does the league need to fundraise?
The registration covers uniforms, insurance, and a portion of field fees. The league has other costs like equipment, utilities, maintenance of the fields and capital costs like major improvements to our fields. We are always looking for more ways to improve our league and fields.
When and how often are practices? When are games played?
Practices days and times are at the discretion of the team manager. All teams typically practice 1 weeknight and practice on Saturday. Some minors and major teams may have a third practice slot. Once games start the practice schedule usually gets reset to accommodate the games schedule on our primary fields. Teams will trade their Saturday practices for games, and machine through majors will have weeknight games and practices throughout the season. Tball plays 1 game per week and a weekday practice.
Will there be games on Sundays?
Our 50/70 Intermediate team, and our 9u Travel team will play on Sundays. All other teams (Majors thru Tball), do not have games scheduled on Sundays, however, your child's coach may choose to schedule a makeup game on a Sunday.
Will my child play each game?
Yes! Our goal, as well as Little League International's goal, is for your child to have the BEST baseball experience possible. At the tee ball level, all players will be part of the batting rotation and play the field. In coach pitch and kid pitch, all players will be a part of the batting rotation and will play the field and sit the bench equally. At the majors level, the batting order is continuous and will play the field throughout the game. With continuous batting order, your child will keep his or her same spot in the batting order and will play the field at some point throughout the game. We are encouraging our coaches to have kids play at least 6 outs in the field.
Does the league offer any financial assistance?
We will work with any family, within means, in order for your child to play baseball. Please contact the league.
What forms of payment do you accept?
Registration payments can be made online with your credit card, or cash/check may be given in person at Winter Workouts and Walk-In Registration events.
What is the refund policy & when can I receive my refund?
We can provide refunds, however they need to occur before we order uniforms. Please contact the Registration Coordinator BEFORE Evaluations if your child will no longer be playing with the league.
When are team pictures taken and when do they come in?
Pictures are typically scheduled in May so that they are in before the end of the season.
Does my child still need to show up for the pictures even if I don’t plan on buying anything?
Yes!! Team photos are taken to be included on Manager and Sponsor plaques. The entire team will be included in the photo. However, you are not required to purchase any photographs.
When does registration begin/end?
Spring registration begins in December and ends the middle or end of February, typically a few days before evaluation day.
What are the costs and what do the registration fees cover?
Spring registration is $160 for Majors and Kid Pitch, $140 for Coach Pitch and $45 for TBall. Fall ball is typically less than the spring registration fees. The registration covers uniforms and insurance and a portion of field fees.
How long does the season last?
The Regular spring season lasts from the beginning of March (practices) until early June. Coach Pitch through Majors will have post season play in the Frederick City Tournament. This Tournament usually runs from the 3rd week of June, to the 4th week of June. In addition, players league age 8 to 12 will be allowed to try out for All Stars, if your player played either Kid Pitch or Majors. If selected, and pending how well the All Star teams perform, your child's All Star experience could go into mid to late August.
Does the league value good sportsmanship?
Yes!! We here at the league feel that good sportsmanship is important not only as a practice of etiquette and respect in sports, but also because it helps teach young athletes good behavior that carries over into other aspects of life.
Can I request a certain coach for my child or have them play on one of their friend’s team?
Yes. We will do our best to honor parent requests (however we cannot always accommodate every request) for coaches and player friendships. If you have any concerns, please reach out to the league's Player Agent.
How will I know what team my child is on?
You will notified by your team manager in early March and practices will should begin that week as well. Be prepared to have practice the Monday following the draft.
Does my child need to wear a uniform?
Yes. Uniforms are required to play in a game. No uniform – no play. Uniform consists of a jersey, baseball pants, hat, belt, socks and cleats.
Do I need to purchase the uniform?
The league will provide jersey and hat as part of your registration fee. Parents are responsible for GRAY baseball pants, team color belt and socks and cleats.
Can my child wear his uniform from last year?
No, they will need to wear the uniform provided to them by the league. Our sponsors sometimes change from year to year.
My child lost his/her jersey, can I order a replacement?
It is possible, but you will responsible for paying for it. Contact our Uniform Coordinator for more information.
Can my child try on a uniform to ensure we order the correct size?
Yes. It is highly recommended you come to evaluations to get fitted for the jersey and spirit wear.
When do I receive the uniform?
Uniforms are usually ready the week of opening day. Most players parents get really nervous and think that their child won’t have a uniform for Opening Day, but don’t worry, they will be ready :)
I’d like to volunteer to Coach . . . is there any guidance available?
Yes. Our League will be sending out an email to all parents in regards to interest in being a Manager or Coach in January and February of the New Year. Our League takes all the necessary security steps to make sure that we are putting the right people on the field with your children. We also have coaching clinics that all potential Managers and Coaches will NEED to attend. If interested, please contact our Coaching Coordinator, Ryan Morse or our League's President, Tim Martin.
I’d like to volunteer to be an Umpire…..is there any guidance available?
Yes. The League is recruiting umpires for the Spring baseball season. We are looking for men & women, boys & girls (minimum age 16) who have a passion for baseball and are interested in officiating games. The League will provide training locally and inform of opportunities to attend clinics elsewhere. Protective gear and equipment is supplied at both fields. If you have any interest in becoming an Umpire, please contact our Umpire in Chief.
Are there other ways I can help?
Yes. More than you think. Little League is an all volunteer league with many ways for baseball or non baseball people to help run the league. We are always looking for willing volunteers to help us grow the league. Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator to see where your skills could be used best.
Do I need prior experience to keep score or run the scoreboard?
No. Many of our volunteers find it somewhat relaxing running the scoreboard. We will be more then happy to teach those of you who are interested, how to run the scoreboard.
What does a Team Mom do?
The team mom helps the manager stay organized with team events and make concession stand schedules and acts as an assistant to the team manager. The team mom gets more face time with the parents and can communicate team news and information in person.
What are families responsible for?
Home teams are required to assign 3 adults for the 7th Street Concession stand and 1 adult for Grove Field to work the concession stand. Families can expect to work at least one game, sometimes more at the Majors or Minors levels. The team mom or manager will be responsible for assigning player parents for each game.
I am new to the league, will there be training?
Yes! Our Concessions Coordinator, will schedule multiple training sessions. If you are new to the league, or need a refresher course, please make it out.
How do I know if practice or games are canceled due to bad weather?
You will be notified by your team manager or team mom if weather cancels a game. You should assume we will play and show up at normal time ready to play. However, with late afternoon storms sometimes we may show up and realize the field has taken on too much water and playing would be unsafe. Our league is equipped with machinery that can get most MLB fields game ready, so expect most of our League’s Managers to do everything they can to get the game in that day/ night :)
How do I get in touch with a Board Member? Or find League Information?
You can always visit our League’s website.