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Frederick Baseball

Frederick Baseball


• • 1951 • •

National Little League 1951 -
Joe Carroll, Manager 
Alden Summers, Coach
Danny Carroll, Batboy
Bob Allison
Eddie Garrett
Mike Hess
Fred Kimmel
Ronnie Lipps
Jack Molesworth
Bob Moss
Larry Phebus
Don Rice
Phil Siebert
Peck Strine
Buckey Summers
Clark Thomas
Buddy Weddle 

Feb 2, 1951
Frederick appears to be set for Little League baseball this summer. Developed in a series, of meetings, planning for a four-team Frederick League, to be affiliated with the National Little League, have reached a point of drawing articles of incorporation and sponsors of the sports program are confident the small boy nines will be playing locally by summer. Now grown to national importance, with its own miniature world series, Little League baseball is the product of one man's enthusiasm for the game and for a better break for youngsters. He is Carl E. Stotz, Williamsport, Pa, who in 1934, conceived the idea of a baseball league for boys under 13 and then did something about it. His dogged determination awakened interest of other sports lovers and the idea spread until there will be more than 450 leagues in the United States and several foreign countries by the time the 1951 season gets under way. Mr. Stotz, now serving as national commissioner, maintains offices in Williamsport,  where last year's Little League series drew a crowd of 10.000 to see Texas defeat Connecticut The '51 tournament is expected to be even larger and more elaborate. Little League baseball's growth has been spectacular the last several years, and there are predictions that the circuits will total more than 1.000 within a few years. Even today, with its registered total of 150 leagues. Little League baseball has more supervised club operation than all major and minor leagues combined All teams and leagues are locally sponsored and Frederick interest is high. The 27 charter members (the list still is open) have elected these officers: President. James A. Grove, first vice-president, I. J. Ramsburg second vice-president, John H. Conrad: treasurer. Byron W. Thompson, secretary, George Chapline, Jr. The officers with Capt. J. E. Ivey. post adjutant at Camp Detrick, constitute the executive committee.

Feb 21, 1951

Four Teams Will Make Up Circuit Operating Here This Year. Three Frederick civic clubs planked down substantial cash backing for teams in this city's first Little League baseball project for 8-12 years old boys, Monday night. Members, sponsors and executives of Frederick Little League, saw representatives of the Civitans, North End and South end Civic Association present checks for S275 each to outfit a sponsored team of youngsters. A fourth civic club (Lions) is taking action today, on backing the other team to round out the 1951 loop. Postmaster James A. Grove, president of the adult backers group announced to the meeting held in the Staley Park Fieldhouse. Frederick has affiliated with the National Little League, Inc.

May 2, 1951
May Enroll 400 in League

Outnumbering estimates of adult backers, Little League baseball with tryouts for players under ten years old this evening, bids fair to enroll 400 youngsters as candidates for placement on the four (earns inaugurating organized juniors) diamond competition in Frederick. More than 100 twelve-year olds showed up for the first drill, Monday evening. Tuesday, about the same number were on hand. This evening, 6 p. m, (DST) when the youngest group of boys, ten-years and under appear at McCurdy Field, coaches expect their biggest crowd of would-be ballplayers, the largest number applicants being in the nine and ten-year-old groups. Enthusiasm runs  high among both applicants for play and spectators. Fond parents form a major portion of the fans assembling for the "tryouts" but there is also a large staff of coaches, managers and assistants on hand each evening, under Postmaster James Grove, who is president of Frederick Little League. Tryouts for Little league teams, are not haphazard nor confused. The training of youngsters here is patterned after big-league operation and in strict conformity with the program laid down by the national Little League executives. These plans follow through local, district and nation-wide competition to the well-established Little League World Series playoffs. For the first call of tryouts Monday, Frederick Little League, Inc.. contemplating a bigger turnout than any local playgrounds could accommodate, made arrangements for use of McCurdy Field, passing up for the time being, even the ample confines of their stadium site on the proposed North End School lot. It was a good thing the committeemen were far sighted. With 171 twelve-year-olds appearing for first trials and more younger trainees coming on succeeding tryouts. McCurdy Field took on the appearance of a three-ring baseball circus Monday evening order was quickly established. Walker N. Jolliffe, former college star, took over aspiring pitchers. Al Forney, worked over the catching prospects. Gehrman and Haines, went into action with the infielders assisted by Joe Carroll, who also was in charge of batting practice. The big outfield of McCurdy Field was probably the busiest it has ever been. Under coaches Joe Price. Alden Summers. Harry Reid and Gene Hummel, would-be gardeners were put through their paces. Each coach had several qualified assistants. Overall administration was under Grove, Jim Cotter and Secretary George M. Chapline, Jr. Training tryouts will continue four weeks, coaches say. As younger players develop they will be stepped up to the first squad of about 100 selected players from which the four team managers will bid for 12 uniformed and six reserve candidates, to open League play at the boys' sized stadium on Motter avenue, the day school closes, June 13.

June 13, 1951
Little League Now In Western Md. Division

It is real "organized" baseball now for Frederick's starting Little League. Over the weekend President Jim Grove of this city and officials of the Frederick Little League, signed terms at Hagerstown to place the locals in the Western Maryland Division of the State Little League. Western Division of the State Association comprises Frederick. Frostburg, three Little Leagues in Cumberland and two in Hagerstown. Eastern Division of the State has these leagues: Baltimore, Bel Air, Havre de Grace and Ridgewood. The Western Division has been sub-divided into two districts, with Frostburg and Cumberland leagues in one grouping; Frederick and Hagerstown in the other to facilitate travel and intra-district play. Winning teams in each district will meet in a best two-of-three games series. August 2-3-4, for the Western Maryland Division championship July 25. Hagerstown National Little League play at Frederick against local Little League all-stars.
Winners of this inter-city competition are then scheduled to play the Hagerstown American Little "League all-stars at Hagerstown July 26 and 27; returning for a playoff contest at Frederick, July 28,  should the district games at the Hub City split. State finals will be played by the champions of the Maryland Eastern and Western Divisions, August 9-10-11, this year on the diamond of the Western Maryland champions. State finals playing field will alternate annually between the Eastern and Western Divisions. Winners of the Maryland Association of Little Leagues finals, will then go to Trenton, N J., for the Regionals with opportunity to advance to the Nationals.

July 23, 1951
Little League All-Stars to Play Tonight

Preparing for sudden-death Inter-city Little League play. Frederick's 8-12 year old All-Star team will play a practice game with Mt. Airy All-Stars this evening at 6:30 o'clock on the miniature diamond, West Twelfth Street extended. Wednesday evening, the Frederick Little League All-Stars meet Hagerstown National League representatives, in the regional eliminations looking to the State and National finals. Proxy Jim Grove of Little League Inc., yesterday named, his all-star team to meet Hagerstown this midweek.
The chosen local players are: Robert P. Allison, 112 McMurray Street, Edward Garrett, 118 East Sixth Street, Robert N. Hess, Rosemont Avenue, Frederick Kimmell, Jr., 236 South Carroll Street, Ronald Lipps, 274 Dill Avenue, John W. Molesworth, IV, 223 Washington Street, Robert D. Moss, 112 West 14th Street, Larry Phebus, 140 West Church Street, Donald B. Rice, Jr., 215 West South Street, Philip L. Sibert, 616 Fairview Avenue, Howard G. Strine, 702 Maxwell Avenue, Alden B. Summers, Jr, 213 West South Street, Motter Clark Thomas, 507 West Patrick Street, Charles Weddle, 6 West Seventh Street.

July 31, 1951
Standings of the Teams

Civitans 5-0
Lions 2-1
NECA 1-3
SECA 0-4

July 24, 1951
Little League All-Stars To Bid For State Recognition

Frederick's Little League all-stars will make their first bid for State tournament recognition, Wednesday, 6:30 p. m. here. The National League all-stars of Hagerstown, managed by Sam Strite, prominent attorney of that city, will bring a large delegation of adult fans to the sudden-death inter-city tussle, Proxy James A. Grove of the local sponsors said he has been advised. In preparation for the single elimination contest in regional Little League competition, the Frederick All-Stars are being drilled with exhibition games. Two contests' have been booked with Mt. Airy representatives and a practice game is slated this evening against the Frederick Reserves of the Little League here. Hagerstown, with two complete leagues in their setup of Little Leagues is also far advanced in experience, having previously gone through State and regional play to the National playoffs.
Frederick's First Year
Frederick Little League, in its first year of organization, has operated with only four teams in its league. Regular scheduled games of local league competition are being dispensed this week here. Exhibitions and practices will take the place of the slated circuit tilt's, so that pitchers may be available for area competition. A Little League rule prohibits any pitcher from being used on the mound without 60 hours rest between games in which he has pitched five or more innings. Winners of tomorrow evening's game between the Hagerstown National Stars and Frederick All-Stars, is slated to play a best of two-of-three games series with the Hagerstown American League, at Hagerstown, starting Thursday. Listed for the Hagerstown National League representation, coming to Frederick for the sudden-death competition are: Lloyd Shank. Jim Jennings. Dick Miles, Don Limberg, Lane Myers, Ronnie Wolf. Bud Carter, Tag Strite. John McPhail, Ted Doffenmyer, Slip Zaccaria, Ray Doyle, Sid Brandenburg and Terry Lewis. Slip Zaccaria and Ronnie Wolf are tagged as among the best Little League pitchers with the National League representation. Assisting Sam Strite, as manager of the visitors will be Roy Snyder, regular manager of the National League Eagles.

Mayor Rice Interested
There will be little fanfare for the inter-city all-stars' clash. There will be a number of notable present however, including the presidents of the Frederick Little League, Postmaster James A. Grove and Harry Botterdorff, Hagerstown leagues' president and chairman of the Maryland State Little Leagues. Among the most interested adult local fans will be Mayor Donald B. Rice, himself an erstwhile semipro notable pitcher and father of "Junior" Rice, one of the Frederick all-star players. Preceding the inter-city game there will be formal flag-raising ceremonies at the stadium. The game will be accompanied by public address comment by adult officials. All-Star teams were selected on recommendations of all teams' managers, with the president of the league certifying those players having the highest number of votes from their adult advisors.

July 24, 1951
Local Little Leaguers Win

Frederick Little Leaguers won a 3-0 pitching duel from visiting Mt. Airy Juniors in an exhibition ballgame at the miniature stadium, Monday evening. Pitcher Ronnie Lipps assisted In winning his own game although relieved by Charlie Weddle. Lipps singled With the bases loaded in the fifth, to give the local youngsters two earned runs off a couple hits and as many walks. The other Frederick run was unearned. Mt. Airy pitchers were older than the age limits of the local Little League. Moxley, a 14-year old curveballer. was affected by wildness and walked five. The local boys beat the same club at Mt. Airy, 8-0 Saturday as Weddle and Thomas distributed only two hits to the losers.

July 25, 1951
Hagerstown Little League Team Plays Here Tonight

Mgr. Sam Strite of the Hagerstown National Little League will probably pitch Red Wolfe against the Frederick Little League All-Stars, at the Twelfth Street Stadium here, this evening. The game will start at 6:30 p. m. and will be broadcast. Frederick All-Star's manager, entering local contestants in the first round of State play, has elected not to announce his starting selection in advance of game time. Speculation is rife, however, he may choose either Charley Weddle or Motter Thomas. Young Wolf is the star hurler for the Eagles' club of the Hagerstown Nationals He has a record this season of 6-1 wins and losses in league plays before coming to the inter-city competition. Hagerstown yesterday released to the local Little League coaches, their National League All Stars’ batting averages. Only four of the players coming to Frederick this evening are listed as batting better than .300. They are: Second-baseman Jennings, .404; Shortstop Doyle, 488; Third-baseman Limberg, .306, Catcher Miles, .333. Pitcher Wolf has an average of .167. According to the Hagerstown listing, the Eagles are the strongest club in the National League there, rostering six of the starting nine players. Doyle is from the Pangborn team which has two starters in tonight's lineup. Autos, have the other first-string player with the visiting all-stars. Assisting Mgr. Joe Carroll with the Frederick club in inter-city plays, will be adult coaches, Alden Summers and Bob Moss. Only one coach is allowed on the players' bench, and this for the home team will probably be Summers. Tuesday evening, the local All-Stars held a practice session, playing against the Little League Reserves, managed by Earl "Buzz" Rhoderick and Bill Lyerly. The All-Stars seemed in fine form for their first attempt at out-of-town organized Little League play, winning 8-3. Proxy Jim Grove last night expressed confidence the Frederick club would take this evening's game and eliminate the Hagerstown National League in state play. A win for the locals puts them at Hagerstown against the strong American League All-Stars there, Thursday and Friday evenings in a best two-of-three series for the right to play Cumberland for the State title. The local radio station WFMD will broadcast this evening's game on both AM and FM frequencies, mainly for the benefit of a large number of Washington County backers of Little League play

July 26, 1951
Frederick Little League Team Blows Game To Its Foe

Stage-struck Frederick Little League blew a 7-3 inter-city elimination game to Hagerstown National All-Stars, before 1,400 fans here Wednesday evening. Hagerstown knocked Frederick out of State and National tournament play without earning a run. All of the losers' tallies were earned. The debacle was accomplished in the top of the first stanza before the local youngsters got set. Two errors, two walks, one hit, a fielder's choice, passed ball and a final error, netted seven counters for the visitors.

Play This Evening
This evening, while regular Little League scheduled games resume locally, the Hagerstown National and American League all-star teams will start a best two-of-three series there for the right to play Cumberland, in Maryland Little League competition. Hagerstown fans and officials were loud in their praises o£ Frederick's first appearance in intercity Little League competition, after the bad start. The usually reliable third-baseman Larry Phebus, had a bad night as did Pitcher Charles Weddle, afield. Phebus and Lipps together accounted for two-thirds of the Frederick hits as the locals outhit the visitors. After his wobbly start, Weddle outpitched rival Wolf of Hagerstown; the latter being relieved by Zaccaria with two away in the bottom of the second. The game last night was a single elimination sudden-death contest in regional playoff scheduling.
The scoring : AB-24; Runs–3; Hits-6; O-18; A- 8; E-5- Allison, If- Strine, ss; Moss, If ,  - Kimmel, Of - Summers, 1b - Phebus, 3b  - Thomas, Rf  - Lipps, Cf  - Sibert, 2b  - Hess, 2b - Garrett, C - Weddle, P. Summary: Earned Runs- Frederick, 3, Hagerstown, 0; Two-base hits—Phebus, Weddle, Lewis, Carter; Stolen bases—McPhail, Miles, Base on balls—off—Wolfe 4, Zaccaria.2, Weddle, 4; Struck out—By- Wolfe 2, Zaccaria, 5; Weddle, 4; Passed balls—Garrett; Hit by the pitcher—Weddle by Zaccaria; Wild pitches—Zaccaria, 1; Losing pitcher - Weddle; Winning pitcher—Wolf; Hits off—Weddle, 5 in 6 innings; —Hits—Off—Wolfe 2 in 1 2/3 innings, Zacarria 4 in  4 1/3 innings; Umpires —Shook. Curry, Strine and Clem; Time 1hr, 20 mins, Scorer – Bokesch.

July 30, 1951
Play Tomorrow

Tomorrow night, under McCurdy Field lights, Frederick will play Hagerstown in area competition. The Tuesday evening affair will be a doubleheader inter-city affair. In the twilight game, Frederick Little League plays Hagerstown American Little Leaguers, for second place trophy in this district.

July 31, 1951
Little League Rosters Given

Officials of Frederick Little League, Inc. released rosters of the four teams in the loop; as the 8-12 years olds started second-half play, Thursday evening. Players remain the property of the team for the duration of their play in the league until sold or exchanged with another club. Each team is permitted a roster of 18 players; 12 active and six reserves.

Robert M Hess. John W. Molesworth, Nickie C. Nichols, Motter Clark Thomas, Daniel Willard, Therein B. Green, Randolph S. Krantz, Richard H Langley, Franklin W. Martz, Charles W. Crothers, Robert L. Crum, Wayne A. Rhoderick; Reserves—Dick Morgan,  David Hess, Robert Trout, Robert Schick, Elgin Etchison, Richard Wenzel.

Edward J. Daugherty, Jr., Donald B. Rice, Jr., Philip L. Sibert, Edward A. Trittipoe, Paul H. Eigenbrode. Jr., David J. Markey,3rd., Joseph H. E. Norris, Jr., Howard G. Strine, Howard F. Stup, Kenneth P. Runkles, Kenneth M. Whipp, Leo Charles Brandenburg; Reserves—Bruce Oland, James R. Rice, David Banks, James Davis, Kenneth Rice, Ralph E. Shank.

Edward Garrett, Donald Lipps, Larry Phebus, Robert Poole, Charles Weddle. David Meadows, Holpale Grove. Bernard Shrove, Charles Mercer, Thomas Michael, Stanley Remsburg, Mark Whitmore; Reserves—Russell Goodsell, Leon Warrenfeltz, Joseph Wilhide, Richard Floyd, Richard Robert Murray.

N. E. C. A.
Robert P. Allison, Frederick R Kimmel, Jr., Robert D. Moss, Alden Summers,  Jr , Deliavrn S. Toms, Jr., Thomas F. Littleton, Richard Ramsburg, Billy Knill, Larry W. Layman, Jerry Lee Grove, Thomas L. Moss, Irvin Dale Ramsburg; Reserves — William E. Grove, John E. Holler, George Larry Stup, Marion Abrecht, Edward Hartman.

July 31, 1951
Little League Game Today 6:30 p. m.

Frederick vs. Hagerstown All-Stars
Two Games by Boys Tonight
Frederick gets a double portion of boy's organized baseball games this evening. Two diamonds have been marked off at McCurdy Field. The first of the inter-city contests starting at 6:30 p m. will be between Little League All-star nines of Frederick and Hagerstown American League players. Frederick Little League all-stars meet for the first time, the American League all-stars of Hagerstown City. The runners up in area competition, Hagerstown American League was eliminated from Western Maryland tourney play by the Hub National League which previously eliminated Frederick in a sudden death game here, 7-3 without earning a run.

August 1, 1951
Hagerstown Team Wins 2

Hagerstown young ballplayers gave organized clubs of Frederick's junior leagues a bad time Tuesday night,  sweeping a twilight twin bill at McCurdy Field before a good crowd of fans from both communities. In the twilight game Hagerstown Americans of the Little League defeated Frederick All-Stars 3-0, to capture the District runners-up cup offered for 8-12 year old competition.

1951- Hagerstown Nationals
District 1 Champions
Hagerstown  National

ABOUT 500 FANS gathered at what was described as a "special" stadium built on 12th Street west of Motter Avenue on June 18, 1951 to watch an historic baseball game. They were there to see the first Little League game ever played in Frederick. Only a few months before, the Frederick Little League had been organized with Jim Grove as president. The league was placed in the Western Division of the state along with three teams from Cumberland, two from Hagerstown and one from Frostburg. Four teams were in that initial Frederick league: the Lions. Civitans, North End and South End. The league was for eight to 13 year olds. The opening game was scheduled for June 13, but postponed three times because of rain. Finally, on June 18, the Civitans edged North End 13-11 to win the first game. The initial postseason game was held July 25 and matched the Frederick All-Stars against the National All-Stars of Hagerstown. It was played in Frederick before 1,400 fans. Hagerstown scored seven unearned runs in the first inning and beat Frederick 7-3 to eliminate the local team from further district competition. Hagerstown managed only five hits off Frederick's Charles Weddle, but the local team made three errors in the first inning and Weddle walked two as Hagerstown took the early lead. The loss ended a short, but historic, season for the Frederick Little League stars.

• • 1952 • •
National Little League 1952- Charles Keller MGR; Al Forney Coach ; Buzz Rhoderick Coach ; Brookey Green;  David Hess;  Charles Keller Jr;.  Donald Keller;  David Markey;  Frank Martz ; David Meadows ; Bobo Mercer;  Tinker Michael;  Steve Neal ; Dale Ramsburg ; Wayne Rhoderick;  Peck Strine;  Howard Stup ; Butch Whipp

July 10, 1952

Frederick Little Leaguers Defeat Mt. Airy Club, 4-0. Coached by Charley Keller. Sr. the Frederick Little League All-stars won a 4-0 inter-city baseball exhibition 4-0. from Mt. Airy's 12 years and under players, here Wednesday evening.  Charley Keller, Jr was beaned by a pitched ball and had to be relieved by Meadows as winning pitcher of the shutout in which the visitors got only one hit. The local Little League pitchers fanned 14 of the 15 Mt Airyans put out in the rain-shortened, five inning contest. Frankie Martz, Frederick, started the home club off fast, with a two-run homer in the inaugural stanza. Pitcher Wagner pulled a "balk", when in a windup he hit the visor of his baseball cap, knocking it down over his eyes and prohibiting from delivering the ball because of not seeing where it was going he halted his delivery.

July 15, 1952
All-Stars versus Walkersville

Frederick's Little League Stars handed Walkersville Little Leaguers their first defeat of the season on the local diamond Saturday evening by a 5-2 score in a game marred by fielding lapses which nullified Dick Spain’s four hit hurling. Donnie Keller was struck in the head by a pitch ball and had to leave the game. Walkersville’s two runs in the last inning were unearned and came in on an error.

July 19, 1952
Little League Series Opens

All-star teams to Play in Hagerstown On Monday Evening
Plans were announced Friday for the first tournament games of Frederick's Little League All-star team, which open in Hagerstown on Monday evening at 6.30 o'clock The first game will be played at  Hager Field just opposite Hager Park. President James A. Grove said signs will be placed directing local Fans to the park, which is on the east end of Hagerstown.  Frederick will meet the Hagerstown National Division All-Stars. There is also a Hagerstown American Division All-Star team which will play its first series of games with Hancock. Each series is the best two out of three. The second game will be played at Little League Park  here on Tuesday evening at 5.30 o'clock If a third game is necessary it will be played at Hagerstown on Wednesday. The winner of this series will meet the winner of the Hagerstown-Hancock series the latter part of next week. Members of the Frederick All-Star team, coaches and officials will meet on West Second street alongside of Memorial Park, across from the Armory, not later than 4.45 p. m. Monday. They will leave for Hagerstown at 5 p. m. sharp. President Grove, who has been real optimistic about Frederick’s chances, declared, “This year Frederick stand a good chance of going all the way in championship play and it would be a wonderful boost for the boys if a large delegation of fans would make the trip to Hagerstown on Monday.” Ex-major league outfielder Charlie Keller is managing the team and his staff of coaches includes Buzz Rhoderick, Humpty Gilbert, Al Forney and Paul Johnson. It is considered likely that Keller's oldest son. Charlie Keller. Jr., will start on the mound for the locals. Keller has not been eligible to pitch in league competition this year because he did not hurl last year but he is eligible for the All-Star competition.

July 22, 1952

Local Little leaguers Nosed Out; Winners Get One Hit
Frederick lost a heart-breaking inter-city Little League game at Hagerstown, 3-2. Monday night after young Charley Keller pitched no-hit ball for five and a-third innings. The clubs rematch this evening at 6:30 o'clock, here. Pat Boyer's sixth-inning homer for Hagerstown won the game after Frederick tied it up with a two-run rally in the top of the final stanza. It was the only hit  the Hub Little League got off Frederick’s ace mounds man-slugger. Hagerstown scored first with a pair of unearned tallies, as Keracofe hit an easy grounder to Keller and the Frederick pitcher threw  the ball away at first base. Zaccaria sacrificed Keracofe to second. Shank got on by Stup's error,  Keracofe scoring on the bobble. Boyer fanned and Shank took second. Wilhide hit to third but an error on The play let Wilhide make first base and Shank come home. In the top of the sixth after  Frederick's two hits in the fourth and another safety in the fifth had only left runners stranded on the paths; the visiting Little Leaguers got hot. Mercer drew a walk. Remsburg ran for him and made second when Don Keller flied to rightfield and the Hagerstown gardner made a bad throw in. Charley Keller, fanned, but Frankie Martz singled  to left scoring Remsburg. Stup doubled behind third base and Martz scored to tie the count at two all. Opening the bottom of the sixth,  Charley Keller got Shank to ground out. then he grooved one too good and Boyer broke up the  ball game with a four-base clout over the leftfield fence.

July 23, 1952
Frederick Little League All-Stars evened the inter-city series by defeating Hagerstown, 5-4, in overtime here. Tuesday evening. It was a boys story-book finish as Hagerstown got an unearned  run in the top of the seventh to break the three-all deadlock and Frederick trailed with two hands out in its last time at bat. A three-base error at first-base had put Pitcher Don Keller on the hot-corner cushion ahead of the second Frederick out of the inning, the Frederick mounds man tying up. on an infielder grounder. Young Charley Keller who had gone hitless in three previous at-bats. came up and let three wide ones go by without lifting his bat from his shoulder. Then came reliever, Tarner’s "cripple pitch." It was too good a strike. Charley Jr. swung down the groove and met it squarely. The ball took off on a high arc over the Hagerstown centerfielders head past the 150-foot mark on the fenced field. as the tying and winning runs for Frederick Little League, walked home amid a local ovation by fans. This evening, 6:30 p. m.. the Little League inter-city rubber game of the series, will be played at Hagerstown.

Jul 24, 1952

Hagerstown National Team Beaten In Rubber Game, 3-2
Frederick Little League All-Stars won the rubber game of the inter-city series from Hagerstown National All-Stars, 3-2 in an extra frame at Hagerstown Wednesday evening.
This evening at Hagerstown Little League Park, the Frederick nine plays the first of a best three games with Hagerstown American Little League Hagerstown has two Little Leagues. The second and possibly third games of the American League tilts will be played at Frederick. Frederick took an early lead last night in the National League competition, scoring in the third inning with two out, Charley Keller walked and Frankie Martz singled Stup home. In the top of the fifth, the locals scored on Don Keller's circuit smash. Hagerstown came back in the bottom of the fifth to knot the count at two all. The score was deadlocked through the regulation six innings, necessitating overtime. Leading off for Frederick, Don Keller and Howard Stup singled successively, the latter poking a low hopper to left. The Hagerstown left fielder misjudged the bounce which was scored as a three base error. Don Keller racing home from first base on the bobble. Against Hagerstown National Little League. Frederick out hit the AS in all three games. The locals lost the opener on errors, came back to remain in intercity competition with two straight wins, both in additional stanzas.

July 25, 1952
Frederick's Little League All-Stars won a 9-5 decision over the vaulted Hagerstown American League inner-city entry Thursday night at Hagerstown to bring the windup of the second inter-city to Frederick, this evening. Should a third game be necessary, it too will be played in Frederick, Saturday. A big third inning, in which Frederick rolled up six runs, cushioned the locals victory march nicely although all of the tallies were unearned because of two Hagerstown errors mixed among three hits, two walks. Pitcher Gossard of Hagerstown fanned eight Frederick Little Leaguers but was not nearly as effective as Martz. who scattered only four hits. Frederick showed greatly improved fielding and the  Keller youngsters capably filled  the traditionally great batting shoes of their famous father Charley Keller Jr.. hit 1.000 on three tries, including a sixth-inning. one-on home run. Donny Keller smacked a solid .500 with two-for-four.

July 25, 1952 (90940)
Frederick's fighting Little League All-stars who with their Pony League counter-parts have brought on an upsurge of interest in baseball here such as has not been seen since the days of the Blue Ridge League, have begun second round play in a tournament which conceivably could send them to the Little League World Series at Williamsport. Pa. The Little Leaguers who came back from the brink of defeat in two games with the highly-touted Hagerstown National League All-Stars to pull out the series, two games to one started tackling the Hagerstown American League All Stars last evening at 6:30 o'clock at Hager Park in Hagerstown. The next two games will be played here today and Saturday. The winner of this series will next week take on the tough Frostburg All-Stars in another two-out three series. Frostburg walloped Martinsburg, WV. in two games, while the Hagerstown American Leaguers were easily trouncing Hancock, saving their two best pitchers to hurl against Frederick, according to reports. The three games which Frederick played with Hagerstown National Leaguers provided some of the most exciting, tense ball which hasn’t been seen around here in years. All were decided by one run and two went extra innings, in each of which Frederick came out victorious. The scores of Frederick fans who traveled to Hagerstown to see the games and the hundreds who jammed League Park here for the single game played here will long remember the homer which won the first game for Hagerstown in the last inning. after loose infield play by the locals had cost two runs: the two-out, two-run home run by Charlie Keller. Jr. in the last inning of the extra frame in the second game here which was. the turning point of the series and the home run which brother Donnie belted over the center field Hagerstown Wednesday after Howie Stup’s drive in the  first inning went through the fence and not over it. thus holding the runner to two bases. They will also remember Don Keller's sparkling major league stop of a twisting grounder late in the first game, Stup's clutch hit which sent the youngest Keller flying around the bases with the winning run in the last inning of the third game and Tinker Michael's game-saving throws from left field to the plate in the same game which kept at least two Hagerstown runners from scoring with the tying run. Don Keller's fine play on the last out of the last inning of the final game was also a clincer. Frankie Martz. whose great playing at two positions and timely hitting has been one of the big factors in Frederick's victories, took the mound last night in Hagerstown. Martz finished up the second game and got credit for the win. He caught Charlie Keller in the first game, then went to third base in the other two games to play brilliantly. Keller, whose great pitching in the first and third games kept Hagerstown off balance, cannot pitch any more this week, but brother Donnie and Stup, along with others, will be available Playing an unfamiliar position, much credit should go to Dave Meadows, who caught the second and third games after not being behind the bat all season Meadows did a great job. Dickie Mercer has looked good at second. Others who have played off and on are Brooke Green in center field. Peck Strine at second and short. Stup in right field. Dave Markey at first base and center field. Dave Hess in right field. Young Dale Ramsburg went in as a pinch runner on several occasions and proved himself one of the fastest boys on the team The two victories over Hagerstown were the first in many years that Frederick team has achieved in succession over any Hub city team.

July 26, 1952 (91154)

Hagerstown A's Even Series; Rubber Game Listed Today
The Hagerstown A's forced the second inter-city Little League series to a rubber game, by defeating Frederick. 8-3. Here, Friday evening. Frederick won the series opener 9-5, Wednesday, at Hagerstown Hagerstown’s pitcher Bailey held Frederick to three scattered hits but Stup’s double, a pair of walks and a two-base error of Centerfielder Beard, tagged the Hub hurler for all three of the losing home team tallies. Untimely errors in unexpected positions again abetted Frederick’s downfall. But that was not the case in the first inning when the Little American League visitors swatted out four counters which proved enough to rout the local youngsters. Beard led off with a single and R. Smith drew a walk. Steve Smith, Nigh and Rowland doubled in succession, The latter being left on base when after another walk, the next two batters were fanned and the third flied out. A freak play by Frederick kept Hagerstown from netting three other makers. In the fourth, the Hubbers got four more counters. Beard again singled to start the rally, but was forced at second on R. Smith's grounder. Steve Smith edged a walk. Nigh lined to the pitcher, Rowland lifted an easy out to Right fielder Strine who muffed it, letting both Smiths in. Shortstop Don Keller's error put Gossard on and tallied Rowland. Mutter's single scored Gossard. The Hagerstown Americans and Frederick Little League All-Stars tangle again at Little League Park here this evening at 6:30 o'clock.

July 28, 1952 (91231)
Frederick in 8-0 Triumph

Hagerstown A’s Trounced Here; Meet Frostburg Today
Frederick Little League All-Stars rose to new heights of glory to take the rubber game of inner-city series with Hagerstown American Little League 8-0 Saturday evening here. Superlative Frederick defensive play marked the sixth game against two Hagerstown Little League’s. This evening, the Frederick Little Leaguers go to Frostburg for the first game of the final series for the Western Maryland championship. The second contest of the best two-out-of-three games will be played here Wednesday. Little league players and local fans in cars leave the Armory at Frederick 12:30 pm today to drive to Frostburg for the game starting at 6pm. Postmaster Jim Grove said there are 8 seats still available for fans desiring to make the trip. These may be reserved by phoning the post office and contacting Grove this morning. Martz, Frederick starting pitcher, gave up only one hit, a scratch infield roller which was beaten out, in the five innings he pitched Saturday. Mercer, his relief in the sixth inning, blanked the Hagerstown A’s. Behind stellar pitching, Frederick played faultlessly afield handling fifteen assists perfectly. Big blow of the game was Charley Keller, Jr, hitting a first-inning homer with one runner on which proved to be the winning run.

July 29, 1952 (91370)
2500 Fans See Little Leaguers Win From Frostburg, 6-0
Frederick Little League All-Stars won the first game of the Western Maryland championship finals. 6-0 at Frostburg Monday night. Frostburg comes here Wednesday 630pm for the second game of the best-of-three series. Winner of the Frederick-Frostburg title will be crowned Western Maryland Champion and will play winner of the Baltimore-Eastern Shore series for the State Championship and a place in the little league world series. George Winters, Frostburg’s starting pitcher, lost the game for the team with the first ball thrown. The opening delivery to shortstop Donny Keller, was smacked deep into centerfield for a homer. A crowd of 2,500, largest of the season for Frostburg, turned out for the game yesterday evening at Frostburg’s Teachers College field. A large number of Fredericktonians attended the game traveling in the convoy of private machines which left here shortly after noon. Although Don Keller’s homer was the only run needed to secure a Frederick victory, he also singled as the only player in the contest to get more than one hit. His brother, Charley Keller, Jr., pitched a one-hit shutout against Frostburg and contributed a two-base hit, the only other extra base hit to come in the fray. Pitcher Keller’s command was marvelous. He walked only one of the batters facing him and sent 14 back to the bench on strikeouts. It was not merely weakness at the bat which defeated the Frostburg youngsters. They were errant in fielding, muffing six chances. Frederick played errorless in both games over Hagerstown leagues and continued that trend against Frostburg.

July 30, 1952 (91533)
Expect Large Crowd For Game Of Little Leaguers Tonight
Frederick playing Frostburg here this evening is one-up in Little League western division play, while at Baltimore the Northeast YMCA team battles Belair for the eastern division crown. Northeast Y won its first divisional title Monday evening. 7-2 at Belair, while Frederick was a 5-0 winner at Frostburg the same evening. Winners of the divisional best-of-three series will meet for the state championship in a two-of-three round starting Monday. Special arrangements are being made by Frederick Little League adult backers headed by President James A. Grove, for the second round game of the Western Maryland playoffs. Special Frederick Bus Lines services will be given to and from the field before 6:30 pm starting time and after 8pm with all buses traveling the Motter Avenue extension past Little League Park, about those hours. Following the game this evening. reservations have been made for the Frostburg team and coaches to dine at a local restaurant. Win, lose or draw. Should the visiting little leaguers win tonight and tie up the series, they will remain here over night to play Thursday evening. In the later event, players and coaches will be housed in homes of Frederick Little League. Inc. members.

July 31, 1952 (3380050)
Frostburg Nosed Out Before Big Crowd In State Finals
Nearly 4000 Little League baseball fans watched Frederick come from behind with a five-run sixth inning rally to beat Frostburg for the second straight time, 7-6. Thereby capturing the Western Maryland Championship. Wednesday, evening, here. Monday Frederick Little Leaguers go to Baltimore for the State finals. The game was one of the greatest exhibitions of sub-teen courage, drama and ability ever witnessed on local athletic fields. After having lost the first game of the western division finals. 6-0 Monday on its home grounds. Frostburg's 13 year olds and under started the second game here, like professionals. Before the locals counted a run, Frostburg got a pair of tallies in the second and knocked Frederick's starting hurler. Martz, out of the box in the third. to lead the host nine by a score of 6-0 going into the bottom of the fourth. Reliever Donny Keller held the visitors scoreless during the last three innings. He took over the Frederick mound with none out in the third, a man on second and two runs in, to become the winning pitcher. Meanwhile Frederick picked up single runs in the fourth and fifth. In the last of the sixth, trailing 6-2. Manager Charley Keller. Sr. and Coach Buzz Roderick inspired their local charges to take advantage of Pitcher Grove's obvious tiring and “play for the breaks." Following instructions to the letter. Frederick youngsters came to bat with Catcher Meadows leading off and waiting out a walk. Green smacked a clean single and both runners on base moved up on a passed ball. Dale Ramsburg was sent in to bat for Strine. He hit a pinch single, scoring Meadows and Green. Donny Keller singled but was forced at second on Stup's infield  grounder which left the batter on first. Then Frostburg's Manager Mike Deal and Coach Roger Day pulled a tactical boner. Grove was tired and Charley Keller Jr.. who already had hit a triple and double  was corning up Frostburg sent in no relief pitcher nor ordered intentional pass to fill the bases. Junior Keller smacked another two-bagger, scoring Ramsburg. An error by the Frostburg leftfielder on the throw-in, allowed Stup to score and Keller go to third, with the score tied.  Martz, who with the elder Keller had been Frederick's strongest hitters against Grove, was not walked to get at the bottom of the Frederick batting order which the Frostburg pitcher had been striking out. Martz topped a slow infield grounder toward second base. The throw to cut Keller off at the plate was late and Charley scored the winning run amid bedlam, with only one hand out.

Summary: Earned runs — Frederick. 5: Frostburg. 5. Left on bases — Frederick. 5: Frostburg. 5.
Two-base hits — C. Keller. 2: Winters. 2; Grove. Patterson Three base hits — C. Keller. Stolen bases — Martz. Base on balls — Off Martz, 1: Groves. 2. Keller. 2. Struck out — By Keller. 4: Groves. 6 Passed bails Winfield. 2: Meadows. 2. Losing pitcher — Groves. Winning pitcher — D. Keller. Hits — Off Groves. 11 in 6 innings: off Martz, 5 in 2 innings: off Keller, 4 in 4 innings. Umpires — Brown. Plate: Bailey, first: Malloy. second; Marmon. third. Scorer — Bokesch. Time — 1 hour. 35 minutes.

August 5, 1952 (92517)
Cumberland Sportswriter Lauds Players And Keller
J. Suter Kegg, of the Cumberland Evening Times, pays the following nice tribute to Frederick's Little League All-Stars and Charlie Keller, their coach: Charley Keller made a big hit with baseball fans in the Frostburg area Monday evening when he directed his Frederick All-Stars to a 6-0 victory over the Frostburg Little Leaguers in the first game of a best-of-three series to decide the Western Maryland championship. Although Frederick is a part of Western Maryland, few persons in his extreme section of the state intimately know Keller. In late not many have seen him anywhere except on a major league diamond sporting the spangles of either the New York Yankees or Detroit Tigers A deep sun tan and a slender waist line combine to make the onetime Yankee slugger a picture of health. He confides that he is doing nothing this year, his first full season out of baseball since the Yankees plucked him off the University of Maryland campus just 15 years ago. He spends most of his time working with his Little Leaguers —and what a job he has done: The Frederick team is really something so behold. Charley's Little Leaguers resembling big leaguers with their mannerisms and play. They all know Charley's the boss, as evidenced by their actions when they get to the plate, each boy glancing at the bench to get his signal. The beetle-browed and hairy-of- arm Keller makes no one wonder why he was given the nickname of "King Kong" He looks the part all right but certainly doesn't act it. As a Little League manager. Charley Keller’s quiet almost to the point of being retiring. There is no show-boating on the bench, just the dead seriousness that made him the scourge of American League batsmen when he was in his prime. The burly Charley, who will be 36 in September, was a ball player's ball player, and his sons seem to be following right in his tracks. Don. the younger, is squatly built like his father, while Charley, the pitcher, is tall Eleven year-old Don looked very much like his father when he teed off on the first pitch of the game at Frostburg and sent it whistling over the centerfield fence 185 feet away for a home run. True, the other five Frederick runs were unearned, but there can be no denying that the boys are well coached. Although the breaks went against him in the form of "flying discs" that had to be removed from his spine, thus cutting short a brilliant major league career, Keller is the first to admit that he has gotten a lot out of baseball. And, unselfish man that he is, he's helping give something back to the game through his invaluable assistance to the kids.  Yep, Charley Keller is a big leaguer even in the Little League.

August 5, 1952 (92541)

Hits Home Run And Strikes Out 17 In No-Hitter
Edgewood – Aug. 4 – Charley Keller, Jr., made papa proud tonight as he struck out 17 batters and rapped a two-run homer to lead his Frederick squad to a 6-0 victory over Baltimore in the opening game of a championship series. Charley is a son of the former New York Yankee great, Charley “King Kong” Keller. Papa is manager of the Little League squad on which Charley Jr and Don Keller are players. Charley Jr walked four batters from the Baltimore team, but struck out 17. The two teams meet again on Wednesday and if necessary on Thursday. The best two out of three wins the state title, with the victor going to Englewood, NJ, for the regional playoffs. The Little League World Series is held in Williamsport, PA. Keller, who today, celebrated his 13th birthday hit a 240 foot home run in the first inning, with Stup on first base as a result of a walk. Frederick scored its third and fourth runs in the second inning. With two out, Markey walked and stole second. Don Keller singled to center. Markey stopping at third. Stup singled to left, scoring Markey. C. Keller walked. Martz singled to left scoring D. Keller. Michael lined to the third baseman, who made a one-handed catch, robbing Michael. Frederick scored its final two runs in the sixth. With one down, Don Keller walked. Stup was safe on a fielder’s choice when the third baseman was late on with his throw to second base after knocking down a line drive between third and short. C. Keller singled, loading the bases. With Gray, the third baseman, now pitching, Martz singled scoring D. Keller. When the centerfielder fumbled the ball, Stup also scored. C. Keller went to third and Martz to second. Mercer and Meadows, then struck out. Keller hit the first man and walked the second in the second inning but the struck out the side. He walked the third and fourth men in the third and fanned the fifth batter. In the fourth inning, Keller walked the first man, but fanned the next three and in the fifth he walked the first man and fanned the next three. He retired the side in order in the first and sixth innings. He “mowed em” down with a very fast ball and sharp curve.

Aug 6 , 1952 (92911)
Martz Hits Homer To Win State Little League Title For Locals

EDGEWOOD. Aug. 6 – Pitcher Frank Martz poled out a three run homer in the last inning here today to win a dramatic state championship baseball game for Frederick's Little Leaguers over the Baltimore Northeast Y. M. C. A. Today's 4-1 victory sends Frederick against Haddon Heights, NJ, at Frederick next Tuesday in the first of a possible three-game sectional series. Baltimore pressed Frederick right up to the last inning. Each team scored one run in the first then went scoreless until the last inning when Martz drove in D. Keller and Stup. The victory was the second for Frederick over Baltimore, giving them the series. Regional winners will fight it out later at Williamsport. Pa.. in a Little World Series. The second game of the Haddon Heights series, and the third, if a third becomes necessary, will be played on the home field of the New Jersey Little Leaguers.

Aug 6, 1952 (92911)
Little League Champions Ride "Locomotive" Home

Frederick's state championship Little League Seam received a royal welcome home from their second straight victory over Northeast Baltimore Y. M. C. A. Wednesday night. Frederick won the series clincher. 4-1. The chartered bus bearing the shouting, cowbell-ringing, happy team and fans back from Edgewood, was met at Ridgeville by a State Police escort and conveyed into Frederick followed by a string of private cars. At Jug Bridge, the local 40 & 8 Voiture's motorized locomotive joined the noisy caravan. At the Blue Ridge bus terminal, the Maryland Little League champions were transferred from the bus to the 40 & 8 locomotive, paraded through Frederick streets to the clamor of the engine-bell and siren wailing of the locomotive whistle, the young players were individually delivered to their homes.

Aug 8, 1952 (93170)
Echoes From State Little League Title Game At Edgewood

Echoes of Wednesday’s Little League game at Edgewood when the Frederick All-Stars won the State championship the game had gone another inning. Frederick fans would probably  have returned for a third fracas since a near cloudburst swept over the area within 10 to 15 minutes after Frankie Martz hit his game winning homer. The pitcher's homer came on a two strike and two-ball count with two out in the last half of the last inning and was a real clout. Plate Umpire Bailey said Frankie belted a fast ball over the center field fence and that ball traveled on a line, rising until it went over the fence, far out of the left fielders grasp. The whole Baltimore team seemed to be dazed for close to a minute as they stood on the field seemingly waiting for the game to continue. Frankie was almost as upset as they were. He fell over first base rounding the sacks, then rushed to hug his mother before being surrounded by screaming teammates and admirers. It was even worth something in a monetary way to the stocky pitcher, Fans pressed at least $10 in his hand. Frankie almost plated the winning run two innings earlier. His line smash to center hopped over the fence for a ground rule double. Then Tinker Michael dropped what appeared to be a certain hit into center field but Shortstop Kohlman robbed him of the hit with a circus catch. Martz was doubled up. Baltimore's run off Martz was unearned The pitcher couldn't pick up Gray's bunt to open the game and the latter moved to third on a wild pitch and an infield out, before scoring when another ball got past the catcher. Frederick also had some luck Don Keller beat out an infield hit and should have stayed on first when Howard Stup lifted a long fly near the left field fence, which was caught. But when the leftfielder Goodwin made a poor throw back, to the infield. Keller made second easily and scored on a hard smash through the infield by brother Charlie. Frederick's fans again made up at least half of the small crowd. They saw a real pitching duel. Baltimore's Pitcher Lange wasn't threatened from the first inning until the game-winning homer except for the Martz double in the fourth. He had the local batters biting at a slow curve and good change of pace. On the other hand. Frankie Martz was a little wild at times but got stronger as the game wore on and the losers swinging futilely in the last two innings. He had excellent support. Don Keller and Peck Strine pulled off a neat double play to wipe out one threat. Strine drifted back to make several nice catches. Brooke Green came in fast on a liner to center to make a fine grab. It was the fourth victory for Martz in the play-off series for the championship. He relieved Don Keller here in the second game of the first Hagerstown series to win, then picked up two victories' over the Hagerstown American League team, one a one-hitter. In  the two games with Frederick, Baltimore got exactly two hits and one unearned run. Some special note is due again to Catcher Dave Meadows, who played the entire game with a badly bruised hand. Meadows did not catch at all during the regular season in Little League and he has developed into a first-class receiver. It is understood Meadows was advised not to start yesterday but went behind the plate anyway, Edgewood is an odd field. It runs, uphill from the catchers box to center field. That makes it easier for outfielders running in. But when they go back for catches, they are going uphill. Postmaster Jim Grove, the league president, led cheers for everyone on the team on the way back on the bus. Grove has been insistent from the start that Frederick would win its way into the Little World Series.

Aug 8, 1952 (93082)

Grove Asks Public Help To Finance Further Activities
President James A. Grove, of Frederick's Little League, which Wednesday won the State championship has issued a public appeal for contributions to provide a funds to send the local All-Stars to Haddon Heights. N. J.. next week for area finals, prior to regional finals at Englewood, N. J., the following week. Grove said the public could send their contributions to him in care of the post office, where he is postmaster. A considerable sum of money will be needed for the trip or trips. which it is hoped the Little Leaguers can make by bus. The league president disclosed that the league will possibly $140 into the hole this week on its trips to Baltimore for the championship finals, when receipts fell far short of paying the expenses of the trip by bus and the meals for the players. He indicated that he plans to appear before service clubs and ask for contributions by members, as individuals, to support the team.  Grove said it is not certain who Frederick will play here next Tuesday in the first game of the area finals. It will be the champion of south New Jersey. The winner in this two-out-of-three series goes to the regional finals at Englewood along with two winners from the 158 Little Leagues in Northern New Jersey and the 40 leagues in Virginia and West Virginia. The four teams engage in three "sudden death" games to decide the regional winner, which goes to the Little League World Series in Williamsport, Pa. the week of August 25. The second and the third games of next week's series if three are necessary will be played in Haddon Heights Thursday and Friday.

Aug 12, 1952 (4514467)
Local Little League Champs To Play Hammonton, N. J. Here

GOT BIG BLOW— Frankie Martz versatile Frederick Little League player hit a home run with two on base last week to win the State championship for the local All-Stars in the final game of the tourney in Baltimore. Martz, in effect, won his own game, having held the receive contributions toward the fund to take the Frederick All-Stars to Haddon Heights and. If Northeast Baltimore Y M.C.A. to two hits. It was his fourth victory in the series. Frankie also takes over third or short depending on who is pitching, and donned the catcher’s mask in the first game of the Hagerstown series, The photo was made by Theron Green who has taken a number of "shots" of the Little Leaguers. Hammonton's Little League All  Stars won the championship of South New Jersey and will meet the Frederick Little League State champions in the first of a two-out- game series for the sectional title here Tuesday evening at 6 o’clock. President James A. Grove, of the Frederick league, said he was informed today that Hammonton had won but knew no other details. The New Jersey town is in Atlantic county and has a population of about 8.000, according to an atlas. According to Grove, the Hammonton team will arrive here this evening and will stay overnight at the Staley Park field house. The coach of the visiting team wants to give his boys a day's rest before the game, it was reported. Cots are being secured to bed the visitors and there were still some needed this morning. The second and third games of the series, if needed, will be played at Haddon Heights. N. J.. Thursday and Friday evenings. The league president is expecting the biggest crowd to ever see a League game here. He was making arrangements today to have additional bleachers moved to the Little League park off West 12th street from the Frederick High School grounds and Camp Detrick. He also said that he continues to receive contributions toward the fund to take the Frederick All-Stars to Haddon Heights and to Englewood. N. J. for regional finals. However, a considerable amount, is needed. Coach Charley Keller, Sr. called his State champs into a final batting and fielding, practice at the Little League Park this morning. The boys also worked out on Saturday before the rains cut it short. The Civinette Club of Frederick,  it has been announced, will serve sandwiches during the game in  Little League Park Tuesday. This is to accommodate spectators whose dinner hour coincides with game time.

Aug 13, 1952 (93910)
Frederick Little Leaguers Defeat Hammonton Before Big Crowd By 14-0 Score

The Frederick battery of Charley Keller, Jr. and Frankie Martz. used a long-ball, 14-hit offensive to win the area series opening while holding visiting Hammonton’s batters to two singles. The local boys concentrated scoring in the first, third and fourth frames. Two allies in the bottom of the inaugural stanza proved enough to win but were parlayed into an explosive nine-run rally to give Frederick an 11-0 lead at the end of the third. During the big inning. Charley Keller hit a bases-loaded homer, which was followed by Frankie Martz smacking the first ball pitched him, for another home run. Again the local team played errorless ball afield Dave Meadows, still nursing a swollen hand, did a game job flawlessly at first base. Frankie Martz. who will probably pitch Thursday evening at Haddon Heights. N. J. did a swell piece of work receiving Charley Keller last night in Meadows’ position Martz and Dickie Mercer each with three hits, were top batters for Frederick, the former batting 1.000 on three official trips to the plate and the latter, hitting.750 on four times up Mercer included a double in his hits. Carloads of fans from outside Frederick, swarmed to the Little League park here Two bus-loads of Little Leaguers from Essex, several hundred in private cars from Hagerstown and lesser numbers from other parts of Maryland were on hand. Hammonton sent a delegation of nearly 100 fans to root for the South New Jersey champions who lost the first area, series game. Prexy Jim Grove announced following the game. Blue Ridge chartered buses, have been engaged to take Frederick's team fails to Haddon Heights. N. J.. Thursday. Reservations for the reasonably priced round trip to the game may be made by phoning postmaster Grove  at the Frederick post office, before 7:00 pm today.

Aug 14, 1952 (93997)
Echoes From First Little League Game With Hammonton

A total of $827.00 was received in pass-the-hat contributions at Tuesday’s Little League game here, which was attended by about 5,000 people from best estimates. Postmaster James Grove, Little League president, who announced the total said it was a very fine figure and really larger than anticipated. The amount is split with the visiting team. Grove said the donated money really helps with expenses. Money has been donated toward the New Jersey trip or trips of the Frederick state champions. Residents can rest assured that if there is money left over from the trips, it will be used for the benefit of the Little League, Grove declared. President Jim. Grove says be must know how many fans are going to the game at Haddon Heights. N. J.. by bus today. If there are less than enough to fill a bus,. a cancellation will be necessary. Any special busses will leave the depot here just after the chartered bus carrying the team leaves at 9am. The boys will stay over Thursday night at Haddon Heights. win or lose, but will return home after the game Friday, if a third game is necessary. Any bus carrying fans will return to Frederick after this evening's game, getting back here around midnight to 1 a.m.. The game or games will be broadcast over the local radio station.

Aug 15, 1952
Local Little Leaguers Win Area Championship, Beating Hammonton By Score Of 6-0

Frederick Little League all-stars pulled themselves into four-state regional competition. by blanking Hammonton, Southern New Jersey champs. 6-0 at Haddon Heights, N.J. Little League park Thursday evening. Next week, the local under 13 year-olds, as Maryland and area champions, will go to the sudden-death semi-finals at Englewood, N.J. prior to the Little World Series at Williamsport, PA, starting Aug. 25. Leaving Frederick for Haddon Heights at 9 a. m. yesterday morning, the local youngsters arrived at their New Jersey destination in early afternoon. Coaches Charley Keller. Sr.. and Earl “Buzz" Rhoderick, put their charges through light exercises at the Haddon Heights stadium, then rested them until time for batting practice, a little after five o'clock. The stadium in which the second game of the area series was played is a beautiful place with permanent bleachers. $3,000 backstop, electric Scoreboard, press and radio booths with concrete runways and dug Outs. But contrary to the throne of more than 5,000 fans who watched Frederick defeat Hammonton. 14-0, here Tuesday night in the opener of the interstate series; less than 1.200 attended the Haddon Heights game, including about 500 Fredericktonians headed by Mayor Donald B. Rice. Chief of Police Charles V. Main and Postmaster James A. Grove. Frederick got an unearned run in the top of the first inning. Leading off, Pitcher Donny Keller got to second on a two-base error by the Hammonton shortstop. Howard Stup was safe at first and the Frederick pitcher made third, when the Hammonton initial sacker was pulled off the base by a wide throw of Stup's infieid rosier. Charley Keller. Jr.. grounded to get on. but forced Stup out at second, as Donny Keller raced home with the first run of the contest. The second stanza passed uneventfully with fine play by both sides and effective pitching of the younger Keller and Hammonton’s Bud Steeb. For the top of the third, Donny Keller was safe at first base by an error  and got to third on his brother's double after Stup had fanned. Frankie Martz was given an intentional pass to load the sacks. But the Frederick rally died aborning as Tinker Michael flied out to center and Bobo Mercer whiffed. Hammonton missed a good chance to score in the bottom of that frame, Reid fanned but Vitale doubled when Centerfielder Green raced in on a hard drive only to have it go over his head and bounce off the fence for a quick relay to third, holding the runner at midway. It was the only misjudgment of the day and not an error for the doughty young mid-gardner. Brookey Green played a terrific and flawless game throughout. A scoring debate arose on the next play. Meadows let a pitch get slightly past him but retrieved it in time for a perfect peg to Bobo Mercer at third. Mercer tried to put the ball on Vitale before it was firmly in his hand and dropped the throw leaving the Hammonton runner safe on third with the tying run in sight. The Frederick scorer called it a passed ball while the announcer claimed Mercer had committed an error. Coach Charley Keller immediately called time to consult with the pitcher, his 11-year old son. Coach Frank Reid, who had two sons on the home team, immediately raced to the plate to advise Catcher Ed Lertner, the batter. Keller’s major-league counsel prevailed as Donny Keller forced Lerner to pop to Charley, Jr at first-base and then fanned the next batter, pitcher Bud Steeb. Then came Frederick's big inning Even The scorer and announcers got confused as Dave Meadows bunted safely, went to second on a passed ball and stole third without being given official credit for the steal. Green walked and Peckie Strine was grazed by a pitched ball, being given first base. Donny Keller hit a bounder toward second. It took a sudden hop over the baseman's head going for a hit which scored Meadows. Stup grounded to short who threw to second base to catch Donny Keller. The 11-year old Frederick pitcher slid the feet out of his tagger breaking up any chance of a double-play attempt and allowing Green to score. Charley Jr. came up and hit a sharp single to center on which the fielder erred in handling and the shortstop doubled the miscue on the throw-in, the batter taking third after String and Stup scored. Frankie Martz. singled Charley, Jr. in. Michael’s was safe on an error at first. A passed ball moved up all runners but Mercer fanned and Meadows went out on an infield ball, second to first ending the rally with five runs in off four hits. One walk. a hit batter and three errors. By then the Hammonton public address announcer was about ready to give the game to Frederick and began requesting spectators to remain seated for ceremonies to be held after the game, while the contest still had an inning and a half to go. His implied concession worked out. In the bottom of the fourth Petrucelli singled to center with one out. Santanella lofted to center for the second Hammonton out and Trist, who replaced Delarato also flied to Green to retire the side. The leadoff man for Frederick, fanned starting the fifth. Peckie Strine singled, his first hit of the series. Don Keller fanned and Stup singled through second, sending Strine to the midway bag. There the rally bogged down as Charley Keller, Jr. fanned. Ramsburg went into leftfield for Frederick but with the exception of a one-out walk to Frank Reid,  the Hammonton side was retired in order on fly-out to second base, Vitale striking out and Catcher Lerner lifting another loft which Centerfielder Green faultlessly handled. Frederick went out in order as Martz and ten-year-old Dale Remsburg, who was sent in as a substitute infielder, grounded out short to first and Mercer fanned. Coach Keller threw in his reserve outfield of Steve Neal, Dave Markey and Bob Hess and Wilt as second-base replacement, as Hammonton went to bat for the last time. Steeb bought a hit when he hit to deep short and beat the long throw to first base. Leftfielder Zozone singled over second base. Hammonton prayed for a rally, but the plea went unanswered as the next player bounded to Don Keller who slammed the ball to third, forcing out Steeb. Santanello grounded to substitute Wilt at second, and the utility infielder also snapped the throw to third to cut down Zozone. Then Don Keller bore down to strike out the last batter and share with his older brother the distinction of taking the area series by successive shutout victories. And so, Charley Keller's Frederick Little Leaguers go to the national semi-finals, having won five series by winning ten of the 12 inter-league games played scoring 74 runs as against all opponents 28 total. Five of the 12 post-schedule playoff games were won by the local Little League All-Stars, as complete shutouts of the opposing teams. Frederick defeated Hagerstown American Leaguers 8-0 in the third game of their series; downed Frostburg  6-0 in the opening game with that club: blanked Baltimore Northeast YMCA. 6-0, in the first contest for the State championship at Edgewood and dousing the aspirations of Hammonton for South Jersey-Maryland honors, in straight whitewashes of 14-0 and 6-0. At the conclusion of the Hammonton game, the Frederick team was presented a handsome trophy as State and Area champions, presented by Ted Schlatzer, director of Maryland District No.1 Little Leagues, while the winning and vanquished teams stood at attention on the Haddon Heights diamond.

Aug 16, 1952 (94602)
Local Champs Will Play At Englewood For Region Title

Frederick s State and area Little League champions will play their next game on Wednesday evening at six o'clock at Englewood, N J . against the champions of Northern New Jersey. It will be the opening game of the regional tourney at Englewood to determine the team which will represent the region in the Little World Series at Williamsport, PA, which opens on Tuesday, August 25. Frederick must win all of its games from here on out to stay in competition. A single loss is fatal. On next Thursday night. at the same hour, the champions of Central New Jersey will meet the Virginia-West Virginia champion. The survivors of the two games will meet on Saturday afternoon Aug. 23. at 2.30 o'clock for the Regional title. The champions of Northern New Jersey which has 53 leagues and central New Jersey, which has 48 leagues, are not known. The champions of Virginia-West Virginia has 40 leagues, at last reports lay between Danville. Va. And Beckley W Va. In the Maryland-Delaware-South New Jersey area. over which Frederick reigns following its second shutout victory in a row over Hammonton  Thursday, there are 40 leagues. Englewood, a city of about 23.000, is only a short distance up the Hudson river from New York city. It is a familiar place to the Little Leaguers' chief coach, Charlie Keller, who used to reside there when he played ball with the New York Yankees. It is understood a motel will be reserved for the teams. Frederick's champs returned Frederick early on Friday instead of staying overnight in New Jersey as had been planned. They were greeted by a number of residents who had heard the game via radio and were taken to their homes in police cars. The boys got back about 2 a. m. Next Friday, President James A Grove, of the local Little League said, is a rain date for playoff of any postponed regional games In the event there are none, the boys will be entertained and some excursions may be arranged In the Little World Series, there are teams from eight regions represented. A team thus must win its quarter-finals, semi-finals and finals to become national champion. Batting averages for the first twelve games show that Charlie Keller, Jr. star pitcher and first baseman, is maintaining his lofty average, which now stands at 513. Brother Donnie is rapping the ball at a.474 clip and Frankie Martz. the team captain, is hitting .356. Tinker Michael is batting 323 and Howard Stup is on the edge of the .300 mark at .297. None of the others, outside of the reserves, is batting .200 but the lower end of the batting order has come through with some timely hits and started the big five-run rally that clinched yesterday's game. Charlie Keller. Sr. and young Martz accepted on behalf of Frederick, following the game, the area championship trophy. This trophy was on display today at the Smoke Shop. Frederick fans who attended the game said the local Little Leaguers' share of receipts amounted to around $35, after the expenses of the trophies for the winner and runner-up had been taken out. This compared to around $400 which was Hammonton share of the big gate here in the first game of the series The local backers of the team who were at the game said they believed the Frederick contingent put as much as $35 into the till. They also reported that a key play of the game which may have saved Frederick a lot of trouble, was made by Peck Strine, second baseman, on a well-hit ground ball with two Hammonton men on base early in the fracas when the locals led by only 1-0. Strine's stop and throw stopped the rally.

Aug 19, 1952 (94940)
Hackensack To Be Next Foe

Frederick's champion Little Leaguers will play Hackensack, N.J. in the first semi-final game of the Region 4 playoffs at Englewood. N.J. on Wednesday at six o'clock, it was authoritatively learned today. It has been reported over the weekend that Englewood and Caroline. N. J.. were in the playoffs for the sectional title which would admit one of them to the playoffs against Frederick. This was apparently incorrect. Englewood, according to reports this morning, has been eliminated. Hackensack, a city of more than 26,000. is located near Englewood. It won the sectional title of Northern New Jersey by defeating Fairlawn 8-3. in a game marked by the four-hit pitching of Scudder the Hackensack hurler. The elimination, of Englewood removed what might have been one of the interesting sidelights of the tournament. On the Englewood team, it was learned was Jim Reynolds, son of the New York Yankees' star pitcher, Allie Reynolds. The boy played first base and pitched. Reynolds and Charlie Keller, Frederick Little League coach, were teammates at New York some years ago and two of the Keller boys play for Frederick. The Frederick team, which goes to Englewood Wednesday morning, apparently will be good shape for the regional "sudden death" finals. Tinker Michael, star left fielder who turned his ankle in the final Hammonton game last week and had to take a rest in the late innings is expected to be ready to go back to his old post. Dave Meadows, catcher and first baseman, has apparently about recovered from the hand injuries which plagued him in the Baltimore series.

Aug 20, 1952 (95039)
Little Leaguers To Receive Cup
Baltimore Orioles To Be Host To Youngsters

On Friday members of Frederick Little League teams will be guests of the management of the Baltimore baseball club in Memorial Stadium, Baltimore. Friday evening for Little League night when the Baltimore Orioles cup for the champion team of the State will be presented to Frederick. However, it is not expected that members of the local All-Star team will be able to be present. They will be in New Jersey in connection with the regional tourney. Judge James E. Moylan,. of Baltimore, well-known here, will speak and President Jack Dunn, of the Baltimore club, will make the presentation of the cup. Gov. Theodore K McKeldin, will make a congratulatory address. At least 900 Little Leaguers from throughout the State will participate in a parade between the games of the double header between Baltimore and Ottawa. Edward J Daugherty, manager of the South End Civic Association, who is in charge of arrangements for local attendance at the game, said charter buses will take local club members, managers and coaches to the stadium. He said all members of the teams should be at the Blue ridge bus terminal by 4 45 Friday afternoon for the trip. All boys must be in uniform. Two of the Frederick boys will carry a large banner front of the local teams as they march into the stadium. The local group is scheduled to be at the stadium at 6 30 p. m Managers and coaches as well as the Little Leaguers will be admitted free. Mr. Daugherty is asking managers to notify him no later than this evening the number of boys and coaches who expect to make the trip. In the event any space remains on the chartered buses, it will be allotted to parents of regular team members on a first-come, first-served basis Reservations should be made with Mr. Daugherty no later than Wednesday evening. All parents who will go on chartered bus will be notified Thursday evening or Friday morning and those not receiving notification will have to seek private transportation. Arrangements have been made for parents and friends, who will be charged the regular admission rate, to be seated in the stadium near the Frederick teams.

Aug 20, 1952 (95039)
Keller Will Do Double Duty In New York Vicinity Today

Charley Keller, Sr., will participate in a  twilight double-header today, despite having retired with highest honors from major league baseball. The great former New York Yankee slugger with coach the Frederick Little League All-stars in the opening regional tournament game at Englewood, New Jersey, the make a wild dash across the nearby George Washington bridge, to upper Manhattan’s Polo Grounds to participate in the annual East-West talent game for the benefit of the New York sandlots Baseball Association. It will take a fast break, after a hard day for Charley to go from sudden-death Little League supervisor of the Frederick under-12's, to the frequent site of major World Series competition. But the ex-big league swatsmith knows the routes. Going to Englewood for the Little League world series semi-finals is almost a homecoming to Keller. While playing with the Yankees, Charley Keller and his family maintained a summer residence in Englewood, with the Yankee outfielder commuting to the New York Americans' stadium Commuting today however will be a hectic, long dash Coach Keller and his Frederick Little Leaguers will leave here at 6 am. Arriving in Englewood the young all-stars will be installed at a motel. Eat and hold a light practice on the Pint-sized diamond where they will battle Hackensack, New Jersey. A snack and then back to the Englewood Little League park for batting practice. Frederick plays Hackensack in single-elimination tournament competition, at 6 p m. Frederick has to win five straight to capture the national Little World Series pennant. The game should be over by 7:30p m. A shower and Charley Keller can just make it to the Polo Grounds — if a police escort is provided in time to don the uniform in which he made batting history as a New York outfielder. Charley Keller is slated to play in the New York sandlots' benefit game, with Joe DiMaggio and Tommy Henrich, as fellow gardeners, In both tonight's games. Keller works without compensation for better amateur baseball. It will be a long day for the Frederick Little League coach-hero, who with his two sons. Charley, Jr . and Donny have sparked the local team to state and area championships. But he will have a host of well-wishers from Frederick with him. both for the Englewood and Stadium contests. As many, or more than the 500 fans who saw Keller's Frederick Little Leaguers beat Hammonton the second time, at Haddon Heights. N J.: have expressed intent to travel to Englewood for the Hackensack contest opening the regional playoffs.

Aug 22, 1952 (95280)
Hackensack Nine Wins Regional Contest By Score Of 1-0

Frederick Little Leaguers were knocked out of national competition losing a 1-0 heartbreaker to Hackensack N. J. at Englewood. Wednesday evening in the first round of New Jersey-Delaware-Maryland-Virginia-West Virginia regional play. An estimated crowd of 2.500 including Frederick's Mayor Donald B. Rice who was flown by private plane to the Englewood Little League ball park, watched a tense pitchers' battle between Charley Keller, Jr. and Hudy Davis, decided in favor of the latter by the breaks of the game. The ace Frederick hurler fanned 12 stocky Hackensack batters, giving up only one hit. issuing a single walk, and hitting one with a pitched ball. Hackensack's Davis struck out only six. also walked one batter and gave Frederick just one safety, an infield hit by Davey Meadows. In the first, third and fifth stanzas, the elder son of the Frederick chief-coach, retired Hackensack on strikeouts. He was in trouble. however, in the second frame but bore down to get out of it by fanning the second and third hands, leaving runners stranded on first and third during the only inning he allowed Hackensack a safe hit, a two-bagger to center by Gianelli. But the North Jersey opponents earned their lone winning tally in the fourth. Shortstop Calibrese walked to open the inning. Game little Davey Meadows, suffering from a recurence of a swollen hand receiving Keller's bullet-like pitches, was charged with a passed ball, retrieved too late to pick off Calibrese going to second, although Meadows made the throw. Hackensack Pitcher Davis grounded out. Shortstop Donny Keller to First-baseman Frankie Martz; Calibrese getting to third on the fielder's choice. Gianelli grounded sharply to first-base. Calibrese had dashed towards home at the crack of the bat Martz tagged the runner out at first but what proved to be the winning run. had already crossed the plate. The next Hackensackbatter struck out. Both teams played heads-up ball throughout, with the flashy. Hackensack fielding defense having a slight edge. The winners played errorless ball and made good on fast, daring attempts for putouts. The latter was exemplified early the game. First at-bats was Frederick. Donny Keller lifted a high foul into the spectators behind the right field barrier. Hackensack's swift right gardner made a beautiful one-handed catch, falling over the hip-high fence keeping fans off the playing field. Howard Stup popped up to first-base. Charley Keller drew a walk. Frankie Martz grounded out. Short to first, leaving one runner on. Hackensack was retired in order by Charley Jr.. on three strikeouts from 13 pitches. Second inning—Tinker Michael and Bobo Mercer fanned. Catcher Davey Meadows came up with the only Frederick hit of the game, a grounder to deep short on which the batter beat the throw to first. Meadows took second on a passed ball, but was stranded there when  Brookey Green grounded out short to first.

For Hackensack’s pitcher Davis went out second to first. The next batter got on by being hit with a pitched ball. A long fly was then hit to deep center, going well over Brookey Green's head as he fell down racing for it. Howard Stup retrieved :he hit as it bounced back from the centerfield wall, holding  the runner to third base and the  hitter to a double. Keller bore  down and struck out the next two batters, leaving two runners stranded. Third inning - Peckie Strine grounded, third to first. Donny Keller lofted another foul fly outside right field which the Hackensack gardner defender raced over to snag. Stup fanned Scored In Fourth- for Hackensack — Bob Fisher, Catcher Orbeck and First-baseman Bob Stevens, were retired, whiffing in order. Fourth inning — Charley Keller went down swinging- Martz was out, short to first. Tinker Michael, fanned. In the bottom of the inning Hackensack's, Calibrese scored the winning run from a walk, passed ball and two fielder’s choice, with two out. The third putout was by called strikes. Fifth inning—Bobo Mercer went down on a grounder to first base unassisted. Meadows popped to short. Dale Ramsburg was sent in to pinch hit for Brookey Green, missed an attempt to bunt. lined a foul and then struck out. For Hackensack—Jones and Stewart, fanned. Fisher was safe at first, when his grounder to Shortstop Donny Keller was thrown away at the initial sack. Fisher stole second, when Meadows’ throw to cut him off at second was high. Orbeck struck out. Sixth inning — Peckie Strine  grounded out to the first-sacker. Donny Keller smashed a stinging grounder at Pitcher Davis, who handled it superbly and threw the  Frederick shortstop out at first. Howard Stup popped up to Davis, ending the game as the jubilant Hackensack fans poured onto the diamond to hoist their winning pitcher on their shoulders and parade the winning team off the field. Hackensack will meet the winners of today's tilt between Danville. Va. and Trenton, NJ, Saturday. The Saturday winners of the Region 4 championship will go to the Little World Series at Williamsport, Pa for single elimination competition and the national championship, starting Tuesday.

Aug 22, 1952 (4516115)
No Joy In Mudville As Boys Lose
Little Leaguers Ran Into Tough Luck In Jersey

"There is no joy in Mudville''. "The Mighty Casey has struck out.” Those lines from baseball's most famous poem, "Casey At The Bat" appropriately described Frederick's collective feelings Wednesday evening after their champion Little Leaguers had dropped a 1-0 game to Hackensack. N. J.. and at the same time dropped out of the competition for the Little League World Series, The city may be in mourning but that shouldn't stop the public from giving a royal welcome to its boys. who are expected to arrive here around midnight Friday from Englewood, N. J., where the regional semi-final game was played yesterday. According to advices from Englewood, the Frederick boys today were to be given a boat trip up the Hudson river, probably including a visit to West Point, while tomorrow they will be taken into New York city, where they were to attend a New York Yankee game at the stadium. They will start for home after dinner Friday evening, it was understood. It appeared that the Frederick team, State champions, would not arrive in Baltimore in time to attend Little League night at the stadium Friday night, when the State championship cup is to be presented, The other members of the local Little League will be guests at the double header there and will receive the championship cup. Local fans who saw last night's game said the breaks of the game decided the two-hit contest in favor of Hackensack. They said Lefthander Rudy Davis, the winning pitcher. seemed loose and relaxed on the mound as he turned back Frederick inning after inning. Not a local Little Leaguer got on base after Dave Meadows beat out the only Frederick hit in the second. But it was the toughest kind of defeat for Charlie Keller. Jr.. who fanned 12 and had the only walk which he gave the entire game turn into the winning run. Keller had better control than in his most recent outings and pitched good enough to win 49 out of 50 games. It was the second time Keller lost a one-hitter in the play-off series. In the first game at Hagerstown, the only hit the home team got was a home run. which won the contest after errors had let in two other runs. Yesterday's run was the first off the Frederick hurler since that same Hagerstown series, He had successively blanked Frostburg, Baltimore Northeast Y.M.C.A. and Hammonton. N. J. The gloom was thick enough in the city to cut with a knife last night as Frederick residents gathered almost en masse around radio sets to hear Bill Lylerly give the play-by-play from the New Jersey city.

Aug 25, 1952 (95810)
More Than 100 Fans Are On Hand To Greet Local Boys

Frederick baseball fans showed Saturday that they were with their Little Leaguers—win. lose or draw. Over 100 stayed up until 1 a. m. to give the local All-Star team, State champions, a vociferous welcome. Traffic was blocked on West Patrick street as the boys disembarked from the bus. Firecrackers, sounded, noisemakers rattled and former State Senator Edward D. Storm led a chorus of  “Charlie. My Boy" on his accordion. The All-Stars were returning from Englewood, N. J. where on Wednesday evening they lost a heart-breaking same in the regional semi-finals to a fine Hackensack, NJ nine. But from the noise the crowd made Saturday you might have thought the boys had won the championship Just half an hour before, the other Frederick Little Leaguers had returned from Little League night at Baltimore stadium, where they  saw the Orioles win a double-header and received on behalf of their comrades, the State championship cup. Manager Edward Daugherty, of The South End Civic Association, who was in charge of the trip to Baltimore and brought the cup back with him stayed until the All Stars arrived and gave the cup to the. Captain Frankie Martz held the cup as photographs were snapped. Most of the boys were almost asleep on their feet They had a long ride in from New Jersey after attending the afternoon baseball game at Yankee Stadium between the Indians and New York. With them rode Jim Reynolds, son of pitcher Allie Reynolds, of the New York Yankees, and a little league star in his own right in Englewood. He came to Frederick to visit his friends, Charlie and Don Keller, sons of former Yank Outfielder Charlie Keller. Sr. The boys looked a little downcast when they got out of the bus but the reception for them and the receipt of the cup seemed to pep them up somewhat. The locals had nothing of which to be ashamed. All advices from Englewood indicated that the winning Hackensack team was one of the best Little League nines in the country Their victory over Frederick was their seventh “sudden death" win in a row and they had used four or five pitchers in compiling the sweep. The colored southpaw who subdued Frederick, one of several Negro players on the team, was great, at least for that game. But it was the shortstop, who scored the winning run. Who got the rave notices. Frederick fans were quick to point out that Charlie Keller. Jr. was not out-pitched and that the locals actually hit more balls than Hackensack, but the fielding circumvented their chances. On Thursday, the Frederick team was taken or a boat trip around New York, saw the Statue of Liberty and other things of interest Charlie Keller. Sr. made it to the Pool Grounds with something to prove after the locals lost Wednesday night as he took part with other former big leaguers in a special Benefit game for the New York Sandlots Baseball Association. Batting once in the curtailed affair, Charlie bounced back to ex-Giant, great Carl Hubbell. The National Leaguers beat the American club, 1-0, it is understood.

1952 – Frederick National
District  Champions
Frederick Little League (Charley Keller, Sr)
Tournament Results:
District Rounds
Frederick National vs Hagerstown National Best of 3 L 3-2; W 5-4; W 3-2
Frederick National vs Hagerstown American Best of 3 W 9-5; L 8-3; W 8-0
Western Maryland Rounds
Frederick National vs Frostburg Best of 3 W 6-0; W 7-6
State Tournament
Frederick National vs Northeast YCMA (Baltimore) W 6-0; W 4-1
LL WS Sectionals
Frederick National vs South New Jersey W 14-0; W 6-0
LL WS Regionals, Englewood, NJ
Frederick National vs Hackensack, DE L 1-0

THIS WAS TO be one of the best seasons ever in the history of Frederick Little League baseball. Former New York Yankee great Charley Keller came back to his native Frederick County to manage the Little League All-Stars. With his expertise and an abundance of talent, Frederick's second year team was the surprise of the state. Postseason district action started on July 21 with a best two out of three inter-city series between Hagerstown National and Frederick. The first game was played at Hagerstown with Frederick losing 3-2 Normally, postseason Little League action is single elimination and the loss would have eliminated Frederick. In that game, young Charley Keller, son of the coach, pitched no-hit ball for the first 5.4 innings. But two unearned runs had allowed Hagerstown to take a 2-0 lead in the bottom of the fourth. Frederick tied the game with two runs in the top of the sixth, but in the bottom of the inning Pat Boyer smacked a home run, the only hit off Keller in the game, to give Hagerstown the victory. Frederick evened the series in the second game. Playing before a hometown crowd, the locals scored twice in the bottom of the seventh to win 5-4. Hagerstown led 4-3 going into the inning and it appeared the local team would be eliminated. But thanks to an error, Frederick had a man on third with two out and Keller at the plate. After working the count to 3-0, Keller hit the next pitch over the 190 mark in center for a two-run homer. This set the stage for the rubber game and it was played in Hagerstown. The two teams were tied 2-2 after the regulation six innings. Then in the seventh, Don Keller led off with a single. Howard Stup followed with another single and when the Hagerstown outfielder misjudged the ball it bounced by him with Keller racing home with the winning run in a 3-2 victory. The victory set up a second inter-city series with Frederick meeting the Hagerstown American team. This was also a best two out of three series. Frederick won the first game 9-5 scoring six runs in the third inning. Martz pitched a four-hitter. The local team was held to three hits and lost the second game 8-3. But in the third game Frederick waltzed to an 8-0 win as Martz pitched a one-hitter for five innings and Charley Keller hit a two-run homer in the first. The victory put Frederick in the Western Maryland Championships and they began the series by beating Frostburg 6-0 in still another best two out of three series. With 2,500 looking on at Frostburg, Don Keller opened the game with a home run and his brother Charley pitched a one hitter. This set up a second game in Frederick and nearly 4,000 fans crowded into the local park to watch the Frederick team come from behind to beat Frostburg 7-6 Frederick trailed 6-2 going into the sixth, but scored five runs to win. Dale Ramsburg drove in two runs in the inning and Charley Keller another. The winning run scored when Martz hit a grounder to second and the throw to the plate to cut down Keller, who was on third, was late. The victory meant Frederick advanced to the state tournament in Edgewood Playing against the Baltimore entry. Frederick won its state opener 6-0 as Charley Keller pitched a no-hitter and fanned 17 He also hit a two-run homer. In the state title game, Frederick beat Northeast of Baltimore 4-1 as Martz hit a three-run homer in the bottom of the sixth Frederick now advanced to the sectionals and was matched against Southern New Jersey in a game played at Frederick A crowd of 5,000 was on hand as the local team made it look easy winning 14-0. Charley Keller pitched a two-hitter this time and hit a grand slam homer. The second game was played in New Jersey and this time Frederick won 6-0 in the double elimination tournament. Don Keller pitched a seven hitter. The win sent Frederick to the regionals at Englewood, N. J. in a single elimination tournament. The winner of the regionals advanced to the Little League World Series in Williamsport, Pa. Frederick's first round opponent was Hackensack of Delaware and the local team was eliminated 1-0. Both teams got only one hit, but the winners scored in the fourth inning on a walk, passed ball and two groundouts. Charley Keller was the hard luck loser.

• • 1953 • •
National Little League  AS 1953 -  Charles Keller MGR;. Al Forney Coach; Curtiss Ausherman; Mack Brandenburg ; Billy Bruchey;  Billy Crothers; Bobby Crum; Dick Gastley; Donald Keller; Bobo Mercer ;Tinker Michael ;Dale Ramsburg; Wayne Rhoderick; Larry Shewbridge; John Thomas ;Butch Whipp

June 27, 1953
Thurmont Little Leaguers to Face Frederick Champions

Frederick Little League All-Star team, not yet chosen, will open the defense of its State championship here against the Thurmont Little League it was disclosed Friday. Initial plans for the play-off games in the western area of Maryland have been completed, President James A. Grove announced The winner of the one game "sudden death" playoff between Frederick and Thurmont will meet the winner of a similar one game series between the league all-stars of Sykesville and Westminster. At the same time, in the western part of the district. Hagerstown American League will be playing Frostburg and Hagerstown National League will be playing Pen- Mar. The survivor in this group will meet the winner in the first group.

NECA – SECA – Lions - Civitans

July 31, 1953
Little League Boys Ready For Game At 6:30

Many Local Fans to Follow Team to Hagerstown

August 18, 1953
Frederick Little Leaguers Beaten By Front Royal

Front Royal, VA beat Frederick All Stars 4-2 at Audubon. N. J.  Monday evening to win the Little League regional championship and move onto the Little League World Series.

District  Champions

Frederick Little League (Charley Keller, Sr)
Tournament Results:
District Rounds
Frederick National vs Thurmont W 10-2
Frederick National vs Westminster W 11-0
Western Maryland Rounds
Frederick National vs Hagerstown W 4-0
Frederick National vs Brooklyn Park W 20-6
State Tournament
Frederick National vs Hamilton YMCA W 9-2
LL WS Sectionals – Vineland, NJ
Frederick National vs Collingswood W 6-1
LL WS Regionals – Audubon, NJ
Frederick National vs South Orange W 5-0
Frederick National vs Front Royal L 4-2

THIS WAS TO be the most successful year for a Frederick County team in the history of Little League baseball. Frederick came within one game of going to the World Series. Thurmont also became the second county team to field a Little League team that year. In the first district game, Thurmont met Frederick with the city team gaining an easy 10-2 win in the single elimination tournament. Don Keller pitched a two-hitter for his father Charley Keller who returned as coach. Meanwhile, Westminster downed Sykesville 1-0. In second round play Dickie Mercer pitched a no-hitter as Frederick romped to an 11-0 win over Westminster. This set up a battle between Frederick and Hagerstown for the District 4 title. Don Keller pitched a two-hitter as Frederick won 4-0. The locals next played Brooklyn Park for the Western Shore title. Frederick had little trouble winning 20-6. Frederick had 18 hits and Mercer allowed only four hits. The victory put Frederick into the state finals against Hamilton. About 6,000 fans watched as Frederick downed Hamilton 9-2 at Frederick for the title. Keller pitched a four-hitter as Frederick now advanced to the district competition in Vineland. N.J. Frederick opened district play with a 6-1 win over Collingswood as Mercer pitched a three-hitter and Ramsburg had three hits. The victory moved Frederick to the regionals at Audubon, N.J. In its regional opener, Frederick downed South Orange 5-0 as Keller pitched a two-hitter. Frederick and Front Royal were now matched in the regional title game with the winner going to the World Series. The game was 2-2 going into the sixth when Front Royals Warren Miller hit a two-run homer to give Front Royal a 4-2 win. The score might have been different, but Keller missed the game with a 102 temperature. This was to be Charley Keller's last year as manager. In his two year stint he took Frederick to two regional tournaments and almost to the World Series, a record almost as good as his accomplishments in the major leagues.

• • 1954 • •
National Little League 1954 -Clarence Blethen MGR; Thomas Bailey Coach; Curtiss Ausherman; Mack Brandenburg; James Bryant; James Champlin; John Kreissig; Thomas Moss ;Mike Quill; Dale Ramsburg; Wayne Rhoderick; Bobby Schick; John Thomas; Lee Wachter ;Skip Wenzel; Loring Young

Jan 02, 1954
Little Leaders Hailed

The children (including some over 21) came in for their share of activity and excitement during 1953. The city-wide registration of bicycles began at the beginning of the past year, including an inspection of all vehicles. Frederick’s Little League All-Stars, piloted by ex-Yankee star Charlie Keller, got to the regional finals In national competition and just missed out on a chance of going to the Little League World Series at Williamsport. The local Little Leaguers attracted a large following in the city and county, and Robert Staley Memorial Park was donated-to the use of the Little League teams of Frederick.

Feb 15, 1954
Little League Business Meeting Listed Tonight

Big business, including plans for a National Little Leagues' regional clinic here Feb. 25, will confront the monthly session of Frederick Little League, at the YMCA, 8 o'clock tonight. President Irvin Ramsburg will preside. Secty. William Bartgis last night stressed that a large attendance is requested for the meeting, particularly parents of boys who will play this year as well as officers and managers of teams: to decide some weighty affairs. Names of little league committee chairman will be announced tonight. Also a manager is to be named for the Lions' team. Elwood Hummer, recently announced as new manager of the Civitan nine, will be seated at this meeting. James A. Grove, former Frederick Little League Inc. president, will make a report from Charles K. Taylor, regarding the acquisition of an electric Scoreboard for Robert Staley Memorial Stadium, this season. Speedily, plans will have to be laid for the regional clinic which was unexpectedly set by the National Little League, to be held at Frederick a week from today. All of the Maryland teams and those of this region in northeastern West Virginia; are expected to have representatives at the clinic scheduled here.

PictureCarl E. Stotz autographed baseball

February 16, 1954

Will Be Conducted For Adult Leaders On February 25 -  National Little League wheels will conduct the adult clinic for Maryland and northeast West Virginia, here Feb 25, President Irvin Ramsburg told the local Little League meeting last night. Here for the operational workshop session at the YMCA auditorium 7:30 p. m.. will be National Commissioner Carl Stotz. Region Four Commissioner F. A. Garrity and Maryland Commissioner T. A. Slatzer, Baltimore. Only elected officers and appointed adult personnel of Little League teams of this region will be admitted to the clinic. Frederick Little League last night in addition to laying plans for the regional clinic here, started a campaign to enlist mothers of players in administrative roles with the teams. This point will be stressed at the next meeting March 15, when parents of under-13 year old boys will be urged to attend and learn ways and means of helping youngsters become better players and citizens. James A. Grove, former president of the little league announced that the electric Scoreboard for Robert Staley Memorial Stadium, has arrived in Frederick and is being readied by its donors, Frederick Coco-Cola Bottling Co., for installation at the diamond, as soon as weather permits. The handsome record-keeper cost in the neighborhood of $500. Newspapers and radios will shortly announce a call for fathers to assemble on the first signs of continuing good-weather, to complete construction of the stadium. Ramsburg said. Needed in addition to all kinds of labor for preparing the diamond and field, will be carpenters, plumbers and electricians. A membership drive for backers of Frederick Little League, was opened last night. Present members were given cards to be sold to friends. Those not contacted for membership, may apply to Sect. William Bartgis at the Firestone Home and Auto Store, 36 East Patrick street. Tom Bailey, civilian employee at Camp Detrick and a trained playground supervisor, was named last night to manage the North End Civic Association team in the local Little League this year. He joined last night with other managers of teams: George Carter, Lions; Elwood Hummer, Civitan, Clarence Blethen, Optimist. Chief of Police Charles V. Main, was appointed the 1954 groundkeeper for the local stadium. Ray Crum will be chief of the staff of umpires. Ed Hartman, is renamed as players' agent for this year, to be assisted by Jack Markey. Ed Daugherty was appointed manager for concessions at the stadium. Dick Gutekunst. has been appointed chief statistician for the league, with Dr. John Wagner as his assistant. About 35 adult officers and members of the league were present for the monthly meeting.

February 26, 1954
127 Attend Little League Clinic Here Last Night

Top executives of National Little Leagues, Inc. conducted four panels at the Region Four adults' clinic ' attended by 127 leaders of midget baseball in Maryland and Northeast West Virginia. Thursday night. Presidents, secretaries and treasurers learned from the national, regional and state commissioners, their duties in Little League work. Team managers and coaches got instructions from another panel. Umpires and statisticians took refresher courses in a separate group while players' agents and trainers joined another round-table discussion. At the conclusion of the meeting held in the Frederick High School auditorium, moving pictures of the 1953 Little League championship playoffs were shown. Both shores of Maryland were represented at the discussion of various aspects of the organization from local team level to national leagues' administration, including liaison. Leagues were represented from Union Bridge, Catonsville, Harundale, Hancock, Williamsport, Westminster, Thurmont, Hagerstown, Frederick, three from Baltimore county and city: North East, Belair, Frostburg and from Maryland's Eastern Shore, Salisbury and Cambridge, Harpers Ferry and Martinsburg, W.Va. Announcement was made that the State will hold four supplementary meetings for district conferences starting Sunday with the Western Maryland district in which Frederick is included, holding its meeting 2 p. m. at the Alexander Hotel, Hagerstown. The regional tournament arrangements will be the main topic for the meeting at Hagerstown. Coordinating meeting for the State, will be held March 7 at Baltimore to lay final plans for the tourney. Frederick will press for the state championship playoffs to be staged here with a possibility the regional playoffs may be considered at Robert Staley Memorial Stadium, James A. Grove, former president of the local Little League sectional championship team said.

Apr 28, 1954

Enough Parents On Hand To Assure Second Organization
Formation of second Little League in Frederick, in jeopardy for the past week by lack of interest, seemed assured here after nearly 100 fathers turned out at a meeting called at Frederick High School Monday evening in conjunction with Little League tryouts. Edward C. Hartmann, vice-president of the present Little League, said: "We received enough volunteers to take care of the formation of a second league". Interest was high. Mr. Hartmann said, among the 85 or more fathers of prospective Little Leaguers. Irvin J. Ramsburg, league president, opened the meeting and outlined the need for adult assistance in the formation of a second league, in which the officers of the present league will lend their full cooperation. Mr. Hartmann then gave general information concerning a second league and answered questions from the floor. Wade Hissey and Byron Thompson, of the present league, also made remarks. The speakers pointed out that it is not necessary for adults to be baseball specialists to assist in the organization of a league. That was one of the questions which were raised. Mr. Hartmann said members of the group who expressed interest in the formation of the second league will be notified when an organization meeting is to be held, for which the present Little League will be host. As soon as organization of a second league is completed, details will be worked out in regard to such items as playing fields, boundaries and other matters incident to operation. A second Little League is required here in 1955 by the national Little League because of the population. When no interest was exhibited at a meeting called recently, it appeared the second league proposal might be jeopardized. As a more or less last resort, cards were mailed to the fathers of all boys now trying out for Little League and the response Monday.

May 14, 1954

Charles S. V. Sanner Will Head New Section in Frederick
Organization of a second Frederick Little League was effected at a meeting held in the Y. M. C. A. Wednesday night and plans immediately started to play un-franchised ball this summer along general Little League lines.

District  Champions

Frederick National  (Clarence Blethen)
Tournament Results:
District Semifinal Round:
Frederick National vs Thurmont won 16-3
Frederick National vs Carroll Co won 6-2
Frederick National vs Hagerstown won 4-3
Western Maryland Rounds
Frederick National vs Brooklyn Park won 17-0
State Championship Game: Staley Stadium
Frederick National vs Stem Bridge- Essex Lost 9-4

IN 1953 THE Frederick Little League had come within one game of going to the Little League World Series and it opened the 1954 season with a convincing 16-3 win over Thurmont for the county title. Then in inter-county play Frederick downed Carroll County 8-4. The local team trailed 4-2 after two innings against Carroll, but tied the contest and then won it with four runs in the fifth. The win set up a Frederick-Hagerstown game for the district title. The game was played at Staley Stadium in Frederick and Hagerstown led 3-2 going into the sixth and final inning. But Frederick scored twice in the sixth with a single by Dale Ramsburg and a triple by John Thomas highlighting the rally and won 4-3. Frederick then looked impressive in a 17-0 rout over Brooklyn Park for the Western Maryland title. Ramsburg hurled a two hitter while Leo Brandenburg had four hits including a home run. The local team was then matched against Stem Bridge Essex in the state championship game at Staley Stadium. A crowd of 4,000 was on hand and everyone expected the Frederick team to win its third straight state title. But they went away disappointed as Frederick fell behind 7-1 after two innings and eventually lost 9-4.

• • 1955 • •
National Little League 1955 - Clarence Blethen MGR. Thomas Bailey Coach; Eugene Fisher; John Hammond; Ronney Holland; Thomas Hueting; Bobby Lydard; Wayne Rinehart; Leo Shank; Thomas Smith; Edwin Storks; David Stine; Ernest Taverner; Howard Whichard; Danny Zimmerman; William Zimmerman

July 1, 1955
Lions Undefeated In National Little League

Lions remained undefeated leaders of the National Little League, with a 5-2 verdict over North End Civic Club, Thursday evening at Robert Staley Memorial Stadium. NECA led 1-0 after two innings when an emergency arose with the young son of Umpire Lewis insisting in following his father onto the field. When no baby-sitter could be located immediately, the game was halted for ten minutes until a substitute umpire could be drafted to take Lewis' place Lions popped up with two runs in the top of the third, only to be tied by NECA's single tally in the last of the same frame. In the fourth, Lions assumed control of the game with another pair of tallies and added an insurance marker in the fifth Three errors by each team's infield marred nice pitching performances of both Winner Feaga and Loser Kennedy: both of whom were debited with only one, earned run.

Jul 23, 1955
Local Little League All-Stars Knocked Off By Brunswick

The Frederick Little League All Stars tallied thrice in the first inning and then found the slow curve of  Joe Feaster total mystery as the Brunswick hurler pitched shutout ball for the remainder of the fray and the Railroaders coasted to an 8-3 victory Frederick:, through a pre-game coin toss, was officially the home team. Bill Hawes smashed a two run circuit clout in the fourth to put the Railroaders ahead to stay. Brunswick acquired four more runs in the fifth when the Frederick defense grew holes and committed a quartet of boots. Feaster fanned six and issued only three free passes in producing his finest effort of the season. Don Zimmerman got the loss for Frederick

District  Champions

Penn Mar
Tournament Results:
District Round:
Frederick National vs Brunswick (1st)  Lost 8-3

BRUNSWICK BECAME THE third area in the county to form a Little League team joining Thurmont and Frederick. In first round district play the new entry shocked Frederick 8-3 as Joe Feaster blanked the city team over the final five innings. Meanwhile, Thurmont beat Sykesville 1-0. Sykesville managed only one hit and Thurmont two. The two winners then met in a second round district game with Thurmont winning 4-3. The county team scored the winning run on a wild pitch in the bottom of the sixth. Eddie Ridenour hit a two-run homer for Thurmont. In the District 4 title game. Thurmont, which had never advanced past the first round in previous district play, lost to Pen Mar 9-3. Thurmont made seven errors and had four passed balls as the boys from the northern end of the county were obviously nervous.

• • 1956 • •
National Little League 1956 - Ed Siedling MGR; Clarence Blethen Coach; Buddy Althouse;  Richard Bayles; Daryl Feaga; Sandy Green; John Hammond; Milton Hendrickson; Ronnie Holland; Douglas Hummer; Gary Hurst; Billy Siedling; Gerald Smallberg; Edwin Storks; Ronnie Wachter, Adrian Winpigler

June 6, 1956
Lions Lose To Optimists

The undefeated Optimists of the Frederick National Little League feasted on the last place Lions Tuesday night at Robert B. Staley Stadium en route to formally winning the first half championship. The score was 7-3. The Lions knocked out starter Bill Seidling in the first inning, combining three walks and two hits for a pair of runs, but the Optimists, who had actually clinched the first half crown long before yesterday, came back with single runs in the first and third frames, three in the second, and two in the fourth. John Hammond who replaced Seidling mystified the Lions during the remainder of the contest.

District  Champions

Frederick National
Tournament Results:
District Round:
Frederick National vs Frederick American (1st)  Won 7-0
Frederick National vs Potomac won 1-0
Frederick National vs Sykesville won 3-2
Frederick National vs Hancock won 6-5
LL WS Sectional
Frederick National vs Front Royal won 5-1
Frederick National vs Carroll Park won 6-0
Frederick National vs Easton won 7-0
LL WS Regionals, Lakewood, New Jersey
Frederick National vs Delaware Township lost 11-4

FREDERICK AMERICAN became the fourth county team to join the Little Leagues. There had been a Frederick American team for the past two years, but this marked the first year they were involved in postseason play. The city's other entry, which began as the Frederick Little League in 1951, was now the Frederick National Little League. The two city teams were matched against each other in the first round of the district tournament and the Nationals won 7-0 as Eddie Storks pitched a three-hitter. Meanwhile, Brunswick edged Thurmont 3-1 on a two-run homer by George Hawes in the first inning. In second round play, the Nationals beat Potomac 1-0 as John Hammond hurled a five-hitter despite a sprained wrist. Frederick only managed one hit and scored without the benefit of a hit in the second inning. Meanwhile, Sykesville downed Brunswick in the other district game. 8-3. In the district semifinals. Frederick National edged Sykesville 3-2 on a seven-hitter by Storks. Sykesville scored both its runs in the sixth inning. Frederick then won the district title with a 6-5 win over Hancock. Bill Siedling had two hits and scored two runs. The win moved Frederick into sectional action and they opened against Front Royal, VA.. and won 5-1 as Storks hurled a five hitter and Adrian Winpigler scored twice. In second round sectional play, Frederick blanked Carroll Park of Baltimore 6-0. John Hammond pitched a four-hitter. In the sectional finals Frederick downed Easton 7-0 on a three-hitter by Storks. The win moved the local team to the regionals in Lakewood N.J. But in the first game Frederick fell to Delaware Township 11-4 and the season came to an abrupt halt.

• • 1957 • •
National Little League AS 1957 -Edward Siedling MGR; Clarence Blethen Coach; Thomas Bicky; Larry Biehl; Michael Bruchey; Wayne Delauter; Darryl Feaga; Kenneth Foland; John Hammond-Captain; Robert Kennedy; Michael Mulcahey; William Siedling; Wayne Stevens; David Stine ;James Trout ;Roland Wachter

1957 - Frederick National
District  Champions

Frederick National
Host - Frederick (District 1) At Staley Stadium
Tournament Results:
District Round:
Frederick National vs Frederick American Won 13-0
Frederick National vs Brunswick Won 7-0
Frederick National vs Bakerstown won 4-3
Frederick National vs Thurmont won 11-0
Western Maryland Title
Frederick National vs Williamsport 5-4
State Championship Game: Staley Stadium
Frederick National vs Easton won 18-3
LL Section I Regionals : Staley Stadium
Frederick National vs Newark won 6-1
LL WS Divisional, Huntington, WV
Frederick National vs Bristol, VA lost 13-10

LITTLE LEAGUE FEVER had certainly hit Frederick County as Emmitsburg became the fifth area in the county to field a Little League team. Because of the large number of teams in the county, Frederick National and Frederick American had to play for the city title to see who would advance to the districts. The Nationals won 13-0 on a one-hitter by Bruchey. Then in district play, Frederick downed Brunswick 7-0 on Hammond's three-hitter while Stull fanned 21 as Thurmont beat Emmitsburg 4-3 in 10 innings. Frederick and Thurmont both won in second round action. Frederick downed Bakerstown 4-3 scoring three times in the sixth while Thurmont outscored Westminster 13-12 as Hauver drove in the winning run in the eighth. This set up a game between the two county teams and it was no contest as Frederick won 11-0 on a five-hitter by Bruchey. Siedling had three hits for the winners. Frederick next beat Williamsport 5-4 for the Western Maryland title and then met Easton for the state title before 2,000 fans at Staley Stadium. It was a mismatch with Frederick winning 18-3 and Darryl Feaga hitting a home run in his fourth straight game. He had five hits. Frederick now moved into the regionals and opened with a 6-1 win over Newark at Staley Stadium. Hammond pitched a two hitter and hit a two-run homer to give Frederick the section I regional title. The local team then moved to what was called the divisional tournament in Huntington. W. Va. In the first game, Frederick lost to Bristol. Va. 13-10 despite another home run by Feaga Frederick led 5-2 after one inning, but Bristol scored eight times in the second.

• • 1958 • •
National Little League AS 1958- Thomas Bailey MGR; Michael Mulcahey Coach ; Paul Biddinger ; Larry Biehl;  Bernard Cole ; Thomas Dutrow ; Eric Gatrell ; James Gibson ; Galen Hahn;  Jack Hartman;  William Monath ; Irvin Rhoderick;  Willard Ruffner;  "Bucky" Sulcer ; James Trout ; Christopher Woodman

July 22, 1958
National Little League All-Stars Lose To Westminster Boys On Monday

Frederick National Little League All-Stars were blanked by Westminster yesterday, 4-0, as the Frederick American Little League All-Stars lost to Brunswick in a thriller 2-1. Frederick teams now are out of Little League tournament play as the organization operates on a "sudden death" elimination basis. In other play. Emmitsburg downed Thurmont. 4-2. In the National All-Star game, Hartman got the only hit for Frederick, a double, which didn't help Frederick in the scoring department. All four of Westminster's runs came in the third inning. Bixler, pitcher for Westminster, was credited with the win, a one hit shutout. Rhoderick, hurler for Frederick, gave up only four hits, but two errors and some walks cost second was advanced by walks and scored.
YESTERDAY, both Frederick Little League All-Star teams, lost their opening tournament rounds. The National Little League losing to Westminster 4-0 and the American to Brunswick 2-1. The winning teams will advance to second round of play. Westminster facing Sykesville, who earlier drew a first-round bye, while Brunswick will face Emmitsburg, who downed Thurmont yesterday 4-2. All second round contests are scheduled Wednesday.

August 7, 1958
LOCAL BASEBALL today primarily involves two tournaments, the District 4 Little League tournament that opens today among the state champions of five states at  Staley Stadium. LITTLE LEAGUE teams being. hosted here, all of them champions of the states indicated are as follows: Brooklyn Park, Maryland:  St. Matthews. Kentucky; Wilmington, Delaware, St Albans, West Virginia and Princess Anne, Virginia. A brief sketch of the tournament  looks like  this day by day from today through Saturday. Today, 3 p.m.: Parade leaves the National Guard Armory to  Staley Memorial Stadium with the visiting teams riding in automobiles and the will be held in Second Army Band heading the line of march. 5pm first game at Staley Park featuring Brooklyn Park MD vs. St Mathews, Kentucky. 8pm Banquet for visitors at Calvary Methodist Church followed by brief program. Friday 3 p m : Wilmington. Del. Optimist Little League vs. St. Albans, WV at Staley Memorial Stadium, 6pm Princess Anne, VA vs. winner of Brooklyn Park-St Mathews game. Saturday 330pm: Final game to determine the District Champion at Staley Park.

1958 - Brooklyn Park - Host - Frederick (District 1) At Staley Stadium
District Champions

Tournament Results:
District Round:
Frederick National vs Westminster Lost 4-0

Both City teams lost in opening round district play with Westminster holding to Nationals to one hit in a 4-0 win while Brunswick beat the Americans 2-1 despite getting only a bunt single. Meanwhile. Emmitsburg downed Thurmont 4-2. In second round play, Brunswick beat Emmitsburg 9-5 in eight innings. But in the section II title game. Westminster downed Brunswick 2-1 with the winning run scoring on an error in the eighth inning. The loss ended county participation in postseason play.

• • 1959 • •
National Little League 1959- James Fraser, MGR; Michael Mulcahey, Coach;  Richie Brown, Howie Deterding,  Tom Dutrow, Wayne Fox,
James Gibson,  Charles Green,  Ronnie Hart, Jack Hart, Jackie Hartman, Alfred Mayne, Bill Monath,
Ike Rhoderick, Don Schattenburg, John Young

July 12, 1959
Little League All-Stars To Play July 23

Both American and National Little League All-Star teams were announced last night by respective presidents of each league. The two teams meet July 23rd at Staley Memorial Stadium. For the National loop the Lions dominate the team placing six men on the squad. National League - Jack Hart (Civitans); Ike Rhoderick (Civitans); Wayne Fox (Civitans); Ronnie Hart (Lions); Bill Monath (Lions); Jack Hartman (Lions); Richie Brown (Lions); Charlie Green (Lions); Jim Gibson (Lions); Tom Dutrow (NECA); Don Schattenberg (NECA); Al Mayne (NECA); John Young (NECA); Howard Deterding (Optimist); Manager - Jim Fraser; Coaches - Mike Mulcahey, Clarence Blethen, Icy Rhoderick and Paul Biddinger.

July 24, 1959
Nationals Win 6th Inning Rally; Rhoderick's Homer Ties Game
With two run rallies in the fifth and sixth innings the National Little League continued their dominance over a determined, hard hitting American League team, 4-3. The win puts Frederick against Brunswick on Monday, July 27 at Staley Stadium. The Nationals started to move in the fifth, trying to overcome an early American League 3-0 lead. After John Young struck out, Jack Hartman drew the first walk of the game from AL starter, Terry Showe. Jack Hart, who is the home run champ in the National League, popped out for the second out. Then Tom Dutrow doubled into right field and Hartman scored all the way from first with the first NL tally. A single by Al Mayne plated Dutrow but Mayne was out trying to go for a double. In the top of the sixth the AL threw a scare into the Nationals' as they battled to give pitcher Showe some cushion. With Showe on first via an error. Ben Grove lined a shot to right field that looked like it had homer written all over it, but Al Mayne made a running grab just before the ball shot over the fence. A force ended the inning. And then the home sixth came. On the second pitch, Ike Rhoderick. who's main occupation is pitching. hit a towering home run over the left-centerfield fence to tie the game. An error after two walks produced the winning run. The American League struck early in the game and looked like they could hold their lead throughout the contest. In the first, Charlie Palm, lead-off hitter for the AL. singled to center. An error by pitcher Ron Hart on Dave Yontz' sacrifice bunt let Palm score from third on an overthrow to the plate. A hard liner which bounced off the pitcher's rubber and into Ike Rhoderick's glove pushed Yontz. across after he had moved to third on the previous error. There was some dispute when the home plate umpire said the ball hit pitcher Ron Hart's foot and bounded into Rhodenck's glove but a ruling from the first base umpire cleared the play up and the American League run counted. AL Gets Another Run. After the first inning both teams, were shutout until the Americans notched another run in the fourth The only scare Terry Showe, American League starter, had until the fifth was in the third inning, when, after Hartman flied to left. Jack Hart socked two long  fouls down the leftfield line and out the park. One of the long fouls  missed being a homer by a foot. He flied out to end the threat. With two outs in the top of the  fifth. the American League  stretched their lead to 3-0. Dave Lee rammed a single to right to get the club moving Wayne Mulcahey followed with another single to center, Lee went to third and Jerry Becht hit one between short  and third to plate Lee with the  third AL run . Two For Nationals. In the fifth the Nationals picked up two runs but the threat seemed nil going into the final frame Mayne's catch saved the day for the senior loop, destined to put the game-away in the sixth. Rhoderick's homer in the sixth was followed by walks to Ron Hart  and Wayne Fox after Bill Monath skied out for the first out of the  inning. Dave Yontz then replaced Showe, who moved to centerfield. Jim Gibson went in to run for Hart at second.  The first man that faced Yontz, Young, hit a hard grounder to Becht at second. In an effort to hold the runners and still get a force at second, he threw the ball into leftfield. Gibson waltzed across the plate with a big smile on his face and the whole National League bench, plus a few hundred  fans were on the field. Notes: The crowd was well  over the 1000 mark and they got  their money's worth too. When the Americans scored in the first inning it was the first time  since 1955, the year the American  League came into being that an American League team scored against National pitching . . the biggest crowd groan was on  Jack Hart's hard-hit liner down the leftfield line . . . the ball  curved around the foul pole just as it left the park for a foul ball . Lee's catch in the first frame of Mayne's liner was the prize of the evening until Mayne went back to the fence to rob Ben Grove in the sixth. Manager Jim Fraser got the first hit of the game—on the leg, while Hart was warming up on the pitchers' mound, the managers and umps were in conference off to the left of home plate . . a pitch got away from Hart and settled firmly on Fraser's right leg which ended in a little hop, step and jump to ease the sting.

July 28, 1959
Hart's Three Run Homer Tops Brunswick, 6-3;
Frederick Meets Sykesville Here Thursday
Jack Hart's fourth inning homer over the right-centerfield fence with two men aboard gave Frederick a 6-3 victory over Brunswick and moved them into the third round of District II play, against Sykesville Thursday at Staley Stadium. After Frederick had picked up a three-run lead with two runs in the first and a single run in the third, Brunswick tied the score in the fourth on a homer by Wayne Gosnell with two on. In the Frederick fourth, Richie Brown led off with a walk Johnny Young followed with a sharp single to right, putting Brown on second. A force play resulted when Jack Hartman grounded to third, but there were still two Frederick runners on board. Hart worked pitcher Ricky Scarlett to a 2-1 count before he swatted the ball over the right-center field fence to put Frederick in front to stay 6-3. Brunswick was retired in the first with Richie Hall the only runner reaching first via a walk. In the Frederick first, Young grounded out, but Hartman walked and went to second on the ball. A walk and a wild pitch on ball four moved both runners up. Hesitation Last Run. Tom Dutrow hit a hard grounder to second, the second baseman hesitated as Hart started to overrun Hartman at third. By the time the second baseman recovered, Hartman scored and Hart came around to score as the throw to the Brunswick catcher went to screen. Ike Rhoderick started off the third getting on by an error after  Dutrow flied to left. He moved to  Second on a passed ball and scored when Bill Monath singled in front of the right fielder. But Brunswick got off to a f a s t pace in the fourth. Dick Hall hit  a long fly which eluded  Hart's glove in centerfield and  bounded off the fence for a stand- up double Butch Dixon moved  Hall to third with a single to left. Dixon moved down on the first pitch. Ronnie Carter struck out but after Rhoderick had two strikes on  the next hitter, he threw one past the catcher and Hall attempted to make it home. The relay to Rhoderick resulted in a close play with Hall called safe after Ike dropped the throw. Bobby Knight took a third strike for the second  out of the frame.  After the second out, Wayne Gosnell looked at two strikes and then blasted one far over the centerfield fence to tie the game. As soon as the ball left the bat the crowd of over 1.200 fans knew the ball was headed for homer land. Hart's homer in the bottom of  the fourth with two men on was followed by Dutrow's pop to short left. Both the shortstop and leftfielder went for the ball and just as the shortstop. Dick Hill, caught: the ball he collided with the left- fielder and they both were knock down for a few minutes but they continued in the game. Ike Rhoderick struck out two. men in the sixth to end the game and to run his total to 14. He got at least one strike out in every inning and struck out the side in third and fourth innings. With two outs in the fifth, Frederick made another try to pad the score. Ron Hart singled to center and Deterding batting for Brown, smashed a single through the box moving Hart to Third. Young ended the threat as he struck out. NOTES: Richie Brown got  the first hit off Scarlett in the second . . . . it was a good single to center. In the sixth. Railroader manager, George Merriman, brought in Butch Dixon to pitch. He used a slow curve and mixed in a fast ball to throw the Frederick hitters way off base. Jim Fraser went with his same starting lineup as Monday night but Hart moved to short and Rhoderick to the mound. The crowd was two or three hundred more than Monday’s game, and an even bigger turnout is expected Thursday.

July 31, 1959
Sykesville Eliminates Local Little Leaguers

A two-run home in the second inning by pitcher Carl Poff plus a two-hit pitching performance gave Sykesville a 2-1 win over Frederick and  eliminated them from Little league play. Jack Hart, Frederick starting hurler, struck out the side in the first inning but the Sykesville second, Tom  Duerr walked and Carl Poff  hit Hart's 2-2 delivery over left field fence for two runs and the game. After being set down one-two-three for two innings, Frederick got their first hit when Ron Hart singled in the third. The second Frederick hit didn't come until the fifth when Ike Rhoderick hit one through the middle for a single. In the fifth,  Frederick came alive giving Sykesville a  scare by putting two men on with one out. Al Mayne flied out to start the inning. Rhoderick following with his single. Bill Monath was hit on the arm moving Rhoderick to second. Wayne Fox came on to run for Monath. Ron Hart grounded to the shortstop who tagged Rhoderick and tried to force Fox at second but the throw was late. .Howie Deterding was sent in to hit for Richie Brown and struck out to end the threat. Frederick starting making come back noises in the sixth. John Young reached first on an error Be scored when a pitched ball which hit Jack Hartrnan's bat knob, bounced out in front of the  plate and nobody knew what to do. Hartman sat in the dust - Pitcher Poff deliberated where to throw the ball. A chorus of screams from the from the crowd brought Hartman to his  feet and woke up Poff. Poff’s throw to first ended up down the right field line. Hartman ended up  on first and Young scored.  Jack Hart, after a long foul down the line, swung at a slow curve for a third strike.  Tom Dutrow hit the second pitch  thrown to him into the leftfielder's glove for the second out. Al Mayne went down on strikes to end the game. Hart was in trouble from the  second inning on. In the second. He gave up Poff’s homer but had to bear down when Sykesville loaded the sacks. Doug Weishaar followed the homer with a single down the leftfield line. Kent Statsman lined to the pitcher for the first out. Mike Hennigan walked and George Hush also walked and bases were full. Gary Spencer topped a ball to Hart at the left of the mound and the pitcher threw to home forcing Weishaar for the second out. Harry Linton’s strike out ended the frame. A bases loaded situation came around again in the fourth. A walk and two singles filled them up but Hart struck out Linton for the third time in a row and the last out of the inning. Notes : Before the game there was a mix-up when Sykesville, the home team, took the field before the PA man could announce the players. Bill Grove, president of NL, solved the problem by having the Captains of each team take the flag to the pole in centerfield.

1959 - East Salisbury
District  Champions

Tournament Results:
District Round:
Frederick National vs Frederick American won 4-3
Frederick National vs Brunswick won 6-3
Frederick National vs Sykesville Lost 2-1

FREDERICK NATIONAL opened district play with a 4-3 win over the Frederick Americans. The winners scored four runs in the final two innings for the win. Meanwhile., Thurmont downed Emmitsburg 10-6 with 10 runs in the sixth inning. In second round action, Jack Hart hit a three-run homer in the fourth to lead Frederick over Brunswick 6-3 and Sykesville downed Thurmont 12-1. But for the second straight year. Frederick teams were eliminated early in postseason play as the Nationals fell to Sykesville 2-1 in district action. Carl Poff hit a two-run homer and pitched a two-hitter for the winners.

• • 1960 • •
Picture1960 North End
July 21, 1960

NATIONAL STARS-The National League All-Star team - Tom Bailey, Mgr; Coaches Clarence Blethen, Carl Shaw & Terry Shaw; Lions- Richy Brown, Ron Hart, Ed Reynolds, Mike Willard; North End- John Young, Bruce Frushour, Mike Rhoades, Ron Schattenberg, Tim Ambrose; Optimist- Larry Thompson, Ricky McQuillen, Terry Shaw; Civitan- Billy Mann.

July 22, 1960

Butch Dixon, a willowly right hander with a blazing fast ball, set down the Frederick National League All-Star team without a hit and smashed a home run to give Brunswick a 7-0 victory in the first round of area Little League tournament. Brunswick meets the winners of the Westminster-Thurmont game Saturday at Scheer Stadium starting at 6 p.m. Dixon completely, baffled the Nationals, first with his fast ball, then a curve and finally a change of pace curve that helped send down quite a few of the 12 strikeouts the Brunswick hurler collected. Besides the brilliant pitching chore, Dixon pounded a home run over the centerfield wall in the fourth to account for Brunswick's first run. The blow, off starter and loser John Young, was a long, towering fly ball that must have landed forty feet beyond the fence which is 180 feet from the plate. Young had no rest after Dixon's blast. Bob Knight, the next Brunswick hitter, slashed the National League pitcher's first offering over the right field wall to make it 2-0 Brunswick. Luke Lawson kept up the Railroaders attack by banging a single to make it three a row for Manager Billy Merriman's All-Star team. Young settled down and pitched himself out of the jam by getting the last three men in the lineup. After the National went down one-two-three in the fourth, Ed Reynolds came on to pitch. Reynolds ran into trouble right away when he gave up two singles, two walks and to add to his woe, two passed balls by his catcher as Brunswick poured it on with three more runs. It was all Brunswick in the contest as the stands mostly Brunswick fans, rocked with cheers for their All-Stars. With two away in the sixth catcher Mike Cooper iced the victory for the Railroaders with a home run blast with one on that made the score 7-0 and Brunswick the winner. The Nationals couldn't do a thing with Dixon's assortment of pitches with his fast ball causing most of the damage. Manager Tom Bailey cleared his bench in an effort to break the spell, but he didn't succeed.

July 29, 1960

The failure of parents to attend baseball games played by members of the Little League and the Babe Ruth League, was deplored by several speakers as the Lions Club of Frederick honored the championship Lions Club team in the National Little League on Thursday. Officers of the league stated that financially the teams are well supported but the encouragement by parents in attendance at the games is needed. Present at the luncheon meeting in the Francis Scott Key Hotel, besides the team were, John B. Hart, president of the Little League; William Grove, manager. Irving Ramsburg, district representative of the National Little League and Robert Moss, president of the Babe Ruth League.  They were introduced by Austin F. Angleberger, a past president, pinch hitting for Lion Niemann A. Brunk.  Team members introduced by  Manager Grove were: Larry  Geiser. Charles Frank, Robbie  Swanson. Ron Hart. Terry Brant,  Ed Reynolds, David Tobery. Homer Miller, Cliff Paust. Jim Hicks (described as a coming: Willie Mays) in his first year with the team  Richie Brown. Sam Greene, Mike Willard and Danny Young. In running comment as he introduced each youth. Grove told of his position on the team and his outstanding feat during the; season. Ramsburg in giving a financial report for the champions said it cost about $1,200 a year to run the league. Each sponsoring organization pays $125 for its team. There are between 300 and 400 memberships at one dollar each. Here he warmly praised Lion Bill Bartgis for his assistance with the financial end of the work. Moss, speaking for the Babe Ruth League, said it costs more than $1,200 for his outfit, since the larger boys of his league play on a regular diamond with grownup rules and outfits. He reminded the club that the league is in the midst of a tournament. Hart, as president of the championship team, confined his remarks mostly to a plea for better cooperation of parents. The meeting was conducted by President William A. Simmons, who urged that the eleven Lions who have not yet made return for Fourth of July motorcycle races tickets, do so that the committee may close its books on what is thought to have been a record net profit from the events. There was only one guest at the meeting. Robert Marendt, who accompanied Lion Clark Sheetenlhelm.

1960 - Brooklyn-Curtis Bay
District Champions

Brunswick Railroaders
Tournament Results:
District Round:
Frederick National vs Brunswick Lost 7-0

IN THE 1950s, Frederick National had been the most successful of the county Little League teams. But the 1960s belonged to Brunswick. The southern county team opened district play in 1960 with a 7-0 win over the Frederick Nationals as Butch Dixon pitched a no-hitter. Meanwhile, Benny Grove hurled a four-hitter, scored the winning run and hit a home run as the Frederick American edged Sykesville 3-2. In second-round play, the American League had little trouble beating Emmitsburg 21-3 as Denny Gram, Jeff Freland and Len Naylor each had three hits. Ricky Stair was the winning pitcher, and he hit a home run as Brunswick downed Thurmont 5-1. The two county teams then met at Baker Park with Brunswick beating Frederick American 4-3 in seven innings. Playing before 1,500 fans, Dixon hit a two-run homer in the sixth to tie the game and the winning run scored on a passed ball. Brunswick then was scheduled to meet Martinsburg for the Western Maryland title. The game was close throughout, but Martinsburg won 2-1 on a home run by Tom Bigeralla in the sixth. Mike Cooper's single was the only hit for Brunswick.

Articles and information displayed and included on these pages are from the Frederick Little League, Inc;  Frederick National Little League, Inc; Frederick Post; Frederick Evening Post; Frederick News, The Frederick News Post; The Herald Mail and Morning Herald. Special note should be given to articles and columns authored by "Bucky" Summers, Stan Golderg & Bill Cauley covering Frederick area Little Leagues for many years.
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